  • 學位論文


The Study on the Correlation between Exercise Habits and Health of Elementary School Children in Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉寶文


科技進步帶給人類生活習慣的改變,人手一機已成為現代社會的寫照,大人如此,小孩尤甚。在此現象的演化過程中,國小學童也難逃科技進步帶來的不良後遺症影響,手機內之遊戲軟體帶給國小學童之休閒娛樂,幾乎已經取代了早期休閒運動之習慣,間接地也產生了學童生理疾病的不良現象。 由於學童的日常生活習慣幾乎源於自身家庭,學童的自己行為能力,幾乎仰賴父母或長輩的照護與供給。由過往的經驗顯示,家庭生活或習慣一旦隨著父母或長輩變動,學童的生活與習慣勢必受到牽連,使得學童在諸多健康表徵顯現的肥胖、近視、皮膚病、蛀牙、便秘等健康指標,亦間接受到影響。 本研究目的在於嘗試建構一模型,藉以探討國小學童運動習慣與其疾病二者之間的因果關係,從而探討對學童健康狀況的影響程度。希望能為本國教育主政單位提供一個課程規範,以改善學童疾病之目的,能增加每週體育課程之基本時數,以養成日後之運動習慣,進而強健國人身體健康。 本研究資料採用2001~2002年針對台灣地區國小學童營養狀況變遷調查之 NAHSIT II 資料庫,研究方法利用Heckman(1979)樣本選擇模型進行實證分析與討論。本研究之實證結果顯示,學童運動習慣與其疾病呈負相關,即有運動習慣者,其疾病產生情形較少,其健康狀況的表現會較佳;反之則健康狀況較差。


The advancement of science and technology has brought about changes in human living habits. Cellphone in hand has become a portrayal of modern society. Adults are so, especially children. In the evolution of this phenomenon, the elementary school children in the country can not escape the adverse sequelae caused by scientific and technological progress. The game software in the mobile phone brings the leisure and entertainment for the elementary school children, which has almost replaced the habit of early leisure sports, indirectly induced a bad phenomenon of school children's physical diseases. Because the daily life habits of school children are almost from their own families, and the children's own behavioral ability almost depends on the care and supply of parents or elders. According to past experiences, once the family life or habits change with the parents or elders, the life and habits of the school children will be impacted, which will make the children's health indicators such as obesity, myopia, skin disease, tooth decay and constipation manifested in many health indicators also indirectly affected. The purpose of this study tries to construct a model to explore the causal relationship between the school children's exercise habits and their diseases, and to explore the impact on the health status of school children. We hope to provide a curriculum standard for the national education administration unit to improve the children's disease. It can increase the basic hours of the weekly physical education curriculum to develop the exercise habits in the future, and thus strengthen the health for people. This study used the NAHSIT II database for the investigation of nutritional status changes of elementary school children in Taiwan from 2001 to 2002. The research method used Heckman (1979) sample selection model for empirical analysis and discussion. The empirical results of this study show that school children's exercise habits are negatively correlated with their disease, that is, those with exercise habits have fewer disease conditions, and their health status will be better; otherwise, their health status is poor.


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