  • 學位論文


The Assessment of Basic Training Needs of Volunnteer Firefighters in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 韋家振


本研究採文獻回顧、問卷調查等方式,彙整分析桃園市義消人員對於辦理義消人員基本訓練的看法及認知;並藉由專家訪談方法研擬組織、工作及個人績效面之建議,提供主管機關訂立訓練計畫之參考;而機關也能於既定預算範圍內,發揮教育訓練之實用性。研究結果顯示: 一、組織分析:由資源、氣氛、外在障礙/環境等三部分,透過調查瞭解義消人員在本身的認知裡,對”基本訓練”是整個組織(團體)一致的目標持有正面的認同;而遇到技術環境受限,對於”基本訓練”仍有著高度期待。經問卷統計顯示,九成都表同意以上。而從資源、氣氛及外在障礙/環境構面中了解,受測者觀念裡大家都認為基本訓練是重要的、對工作是有助益、能提升協助救災救護能力及效率、受消防主管支持、義消幹部支持並以身作則;僅訓練設備場地與經費充足與否占有比例略低。這與受測者個人所在單位不同,設備場地與當地廳舍新舊有關。 二、任務分析:課程項(科)目從基本訓練技能、政令法規及其他方面皆有九成高度同意,但若能訂立一套基本訓練教材及按專業特性施予教學,以訓練績效激發個人潛力,更能凝聚向心力。 三、個人分析:將訓練績效列入個人年度考核,實屬不易。義消人員普遍都是熱心公益的一般大眾,若能運用基本訓練之績效,激發個人對組織及工作上效力,使其樂於在助人中學習成長、更成就個人內心的滿足感。


義消人員 基本訓練


This study collected and analyzed how volunteer firefighters view the basic training programs provided by Taoyuan City by methods of literature review and questionnaire survey. With the aid of expert interviewing method, these results were used to elaborate a training project for organization, tasks and personal performance of volunteer firefighters. Then the training project may be taken as a reference for executing the training operation for volunteer firefighters with a limited budget. The results can be summarized in three domains: 1.Organizational domain: In the aspects of resources, surroundings and outer obstacles, more than 90% of the volunteer firefighter attendees recognized that the basic training program is the main target of the group. The program is still highly expected by the group even when they were restricted by technical situations. The attendees agreed that the basic training is important and helpful; the program can enhance the capability and efficiency of rescuing activity; and the program is supported by the authorities and the volunteer firefighter cadres. But the attendees less satisfied with the training facilities and budget due to their affiliated situation. 2.Task domain: Most of the attendees agreed with such courses as basic skill training, government decree and others. They also expected for a tailor-made training course materials and teaching method in order to activate individual potential and improve the coherence. 3.Personnel domain: The volunteer firefighters are public spirited citizens. It is difficult to do annual evaluation to these people by their training performance. It is wiser to transform their training performance into personal enthusiasm and loyalty towards their organization. Hopefully, the training program will make them happy from learning and satisfy them with success.


