  • 學位論文


A Study on Disaster Prevention & Relief and Special Search & Rescue Team:The Case of Yunlin County Fire Bureau in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


災害防救與災害搶救實為一體兩面,1999年921大地震,震撼全台後造成人員、建築物、道路、橋梁及維生管線致命性的損傷,因此迫使政府明白災害防救的重要性,台灣政府很快地制定災害防救法,依據消防法及災害防救法,消防人員長久以來擔負火災搶救、緊急救護及災害搶救之職責,尤其消防局各消防人員在921大地震後,借鏡國外專業搜救隊伍的高效能搜索、救援能力,持續推動災害搶救的制度,陸續規劃成立縣、市(政府)消防局救助隊特種搜救隊,目的即希望透過成立專業的隊伍因應未來詭譎多變的極端天氣造成的民眾生命財產。 而災害防救法是我國的災害預防、整備、應變、復原的完善法典,同時授權各地方政府制定期防救法令,同時災害防救法並授權地方政府定期所轄特性修正、制定屬於地方之災害防救法令,以強化其地方政府災害防救制度。縣、市(政府)消防局即是各地方政府執行災害搶救第一線機關及人員,如何透過扎實的國內、外訓練完善的組織制度,乃至透過定期、不定期演練及災害搶救強化本身災害搶救能力,倘透過訂立短、中、中長、長程計畫及規劃,如此循序漸進一步一步的強化本縣消防局特種搜救隊的裝備、器材、能力、成員數,便能夠強化本縣境內災害搶救能力,如此在遭遇下一個天然災害或是重大意外事故時,便能夠發揮所學展現訓練之專業救災效能救民於水火中,希望能夠提供部分建議事項給本縣消防局特種搜救隊組織共同成長茁壯。


Disaster Prevention and Relief and Disaster rescue are indeed two sides of one. In AD 1999, 921 earthquake caused great damage to the buildings, the roads, the bridges, and even the lives of citizens. Therefore, force the government to understand the importance of Disaster Prevention and Relief. Soon, Taiwan government established Disaster Prevention and Relief Act. According to Fire Services Act and Disaster Prevention and Protection Act, Firefighters have been responsible for fire rescue, emergency rescue and disaster rescue for a long time. Especially, after the 921 earthquake, firefighters in each fire department learned high-efficiency searching and rescue capacity from overseas professional rescue teams. In the other hand, keep promoting disaster rescue system, and continue to set up special rescue teams in each county. The purpose is to protect people's lives and property through the establishment of a professional team to handle changeable disaster caused by extreme weather. Disaster Prevention and Response Act is our faultless law for disaster prevention, preparation, management, and reconstruction. At the same time, it also authorizes each local government the right to establish and modify the prevention and response law for itself so that we can strengthen the prevention system. The fire department in each county is the first line for disaster rescue. It is important to improve the ability of disaster rescue with domestic and foreign stern training including regular and unregular training courses. With short, medium, long-term plans, we can gradually improve our equipment, capacity,and number of members to strengthen the ability of disaster rescue of the county Fire Department's special rescue teams. Even if we meet a natural disaster or the serious accidents happens, we can show our skill and how we are trained to save victims. We will try to provide some recommendations to the present special search and rescue team in YunLin County Fire Bureau and hope it will get better and better.


