  • 學位論文

精進交通安全教育整備之研究- 以桃園市某私立高職推動交通安全教育成效之探討

Research on the improvement of the safety of traffic safety education- Discussion on the effect of promoting a traffic safety education in a private higher vocational school in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 王啟秀


校園安全環節中的交通安全教育,是校園生活中學生最早與社會環境接觸的挑戰之一。交通安全係指人與人、人與物、人與地之間的需求所形成的依賴關係,而這層依賴關係必須以安全為最大考量。校園生活中的食衣住行育樂均與交通安全無法脫節,因此如何教育訓練學生適應面對交通問題的安全與衝突之相互關係,是研究者身為校園安全輔導教官所必須具備的本職學能。 就先進國家推動交通安全經驗得知,有效降低交通事故傷亡,其中10%為道路工程的改善,20%為警察執法的加強,而最主要70%則來自教育深切的努力而改善。故交通安全教育的落實,已成為減少交通事故發生最重要有效的方法作為。(2017,106年度教育部交通安全教育評鑑總評報告,教育部、交通部)。落實交通安全認知就是校園交通安全教育管理者,擔當學生安全事務的責任和許可權,藉助指示、命令等權力手段和權威,有效地指導交通導護人員及全校師生履行其職責,以實現交通安全教育計劃任務。根據交通安全教育目標、計劃、規範等原則,對校園安全的實際維護活動及其成果進行監督、檢查和分析,糾正計劃執行中的偏差,確保交通安全教育計劃目標的實現;為使交通安全各個層面的相互關係和各種校園活動不發生矛盾,建立良好的關係,成為和諧的有機整體而進行交通安全協調活動。 交通安全認知教育的最終目的,在於培養推動校園交通安全所需人才,創造校園內外交通安全環境,期許為校園安全創造更大的教育價值,達成處處皆安全、交通最安心的教育典範。本研究的動機正是基於上述因素,針對高職在校學生實施「交通安全教育」的現況來進行研究,以為精進「交通安全教育」的認知度及學習滿意度,來強化未來宣教工作之教育目標方針。


Traffic safety education in the campus safety link is one of the first challenges for students in campus life to contact with the social environment. Traffic safety refers to the dependence of people, people and things, and the needs of people and the land, and this level of dependence must be based on safety. The food and clothing in the campus life can not be disconnected from the traffic safety. Therefore, how to educate and train students to adapt to the relationship between safety and conflict in the face of traffic problems is the necessary knowledge of the researcher as a campus safety counseling instructor what we can. As far as the advanced countries promote traffic safety experience, 10% of the road traffic accidents have been effectively reduced, 20% of which is the improvement of police law enforcement, and the most important 70% is improved by the deep efforts of education. Therefore, the implementation of traffic safety education has become the most important and effective way to reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents. (2017, 106 Ministry of Education Traffic Safety Education Evaluation Review Report, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Communications). The implementation of traffic safety awareness is the campus traffic safety education manager, responsible for the safety of students, and with the power and authority of instructions, orders, etc., effectively guide traffic guidance personnel and teachers and students throughout the school to fulfill their duties to achieve traffic Safety education program tasks. According to the principles of traffic safety education, plans, norms, etc., supervise, inspect and analyze the actual maintenance activities and results of campus safety, correct deviations in the implementation of the plan, and ensure the realization of the objectives of the traffic safety education plan; There is no contradiction between the level of mutual relations and various campus activities, establishing a good relationship, and becoming a harmonious and integrated organic traffic coordination activity. The ultimate goal of traffic safety cognition education is to cultivate the talents needed to promote campus traffic safety, create a safe environment inside and outside the campus, and hope to create greater educational value for campus safety, and achieve an education model where safety is everywhere and transportation is most secure. Based on the above factors, the motivation of this study is to study the current situation of “traffic safety education” for students in higher vocational schools, and to strengthen the awareness of “traffic safety education” and learning satisfaction to strengthen the education of future mission work. Target policy.


1. 王淑俐(1990),國中階段青少年情緒的發展與問題及輔導,國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所博士論文。
2. 內政部警政署(2015),內政部警政署統計101-103年間我國道路交通事故統計數據。
3. 內政部警政署(2015),A1類交通事故死亡人數按年齡別分析統計。
4. 內政部警政署(2015),A2類交通事故受傷人數按年齡別分析統計。
5. 交通部公路總局各區監理所辦事細則,(2018)。取自:全國法規資料庫(https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=K0010141)。
