  • 學位論文

不同背景國小教師知覺少子化對國小教育影響與教師專業成長關 係之研究-以南桃園為例

The Study on Relationship between Perception of Low Fertility Rate and Professional Growth of Elementary School Teachers with Different Backgrounds in Southern Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 林玲圓


本研究的目的在探討南桃園國小教師知覺少子化對國小教育影響與教師專業成長關係。以南桃園市國小教師為研究對象,採問卷調查法及利用分層便利抽樣的方式進行資料蒐集。分析回收的317 份有效問卷獲得以下發現: 一、南桃園市國民小學教師知覺少子化對國小教育影響現況,屬於高程度,以「教師知覺家長教養方式改變」構面的感受度最高。 二、南桃園市國民小學教師專業成長現況,屬於良好程度,以「班級經營」構面最佳。 三、不同背景變項在知覺少子化之差異分析中,在「性別」及「學校規模」方面達顯著差異。 四、不同背景變項在專業成長之差異分析中,在「擔任職務」方面達顯著差異。 五、教師知覺少子化對國小教育影響與教師專業成長達顯著相關。 最後,根據研究研究結論,提出若干建議供學校及教育行政機關參考。


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the perception of low birthrate impacts and professional growth of elementary school teachers in Southern Taoyuan City. South Taoyuan City Primary teacher for the study, using questionnaires and facilitate the use of stratified sampling approach to data collection. Recovered 317 valid questionnaires were analyzed to obtain the following findings: 1. “The change of parenting styles” is the highest factor for elementary school teachers to perceive the issue of the low birth rate of the southern Taoyuan City. 2. Elementary School Teacher Professional Development status of the southern Taoyuan City reached high average, and among all, the “Classroom Management” had the best performance. 3. Significant difference existed in teachers’ perceive the issue of the low birth rate in terms of the teachers’ demographic variables such as gender, and school size. 4. Significant difference existed in teachers’ professional growth in terms of the teachers’ demographic variables such as current job. 5. High positive correlations were found between the perception of low birthrate impacts and professional growth of elementary school teachers in Southern Taoyuan City. Based on the research results, the author provides feasible recommendations for the references to school administrators, educational agencies, and for further research on related topics.


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2. 內政部戶政司(2014b)。育齡婦女生育率及繁殖率。民 103 年 10 月12 日,取自http://www.ris.gov.tw/346。
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