  • 學位論文


The Subjective Well-being of Social Network Users on Affective and Instrumental Purpose : The Mediating Effect of Social Support and Self Presentation.

指導教授 : 羅新興 羅景文




The purpose of this study was to understand the current situations of subjective well-being of social network users on affective and instrumental purpose and relationship between self presentation, social support and subjective well-being and the mediating effect of social support and self presentation. The method adopted in this study was survey research. The study sent out 360 questionnaires and 306 of them being usable. The following 3 conclusions were drawn from this study: There are significant positive correlations among the purpose of social network users and subjective well-being. The affective purpose of social network user’s subjective well-being and negative self presentation is higher than the instrumental purpose of social network user’s. There are significant positive correlations among social support, self presentation and well-being of social network users. There are significant mediating effect of positive self presentation on the relationship between social network user’s purpose and subjective well-being. According to the findings and conclusions given above, the study proposed recommendations and future researches.


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