  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationships between Motivation System,Job Stress and the Job Satisfaction for Security Officers in Correctional Institution in Northern Taiwan.

指導教授 : 沈群英


有關矯正機關基層戒護管理人員的工作壓力、組織承諾、工作滿足等相關研究雖已有不少值得省思的文獻,而綜觀許多有關矯正機關戒護管理人員相關之研究,多以工作壓力、工作滿足與領導型態等命題為核心,然事實上,在人力資源管理上,除了傳統的薪酬、升遷制度外,如何激勵戒護管理人員,提高管理人員士氣,使其能以從事矯正工作為榮並能投入工作,在戒護工作上顯然也有同樣重要的地位。 本研究旨在從激勵的角度切入,以北部地區矯正機關之基層戒護管理人員為對象,探討矯正機關基層戒護管理人員工作壓力、激勵制度與工作滿意間之關聯性,以提供可資矯正機關在人力資源管理上參考的建議。本研究係以北部地區矯正機關之基層戒護管理人員為對象,以問卷調查方式所得資料,運用描述性統計、T檢定、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行分析。依據分析之結果發現,不同背景屬性的對象對激勵制度、工作壓力、工作滿足等變項,部分有顯著影響,部分則無;激勵制度對於工作滿足具有正相關與工作壓力則否,工作壓力與工作滿足間則出現負相關。


Although there are many thought-provoking research literatures related to the rank and file security officers in correctional institution, an overall survey on the propositions of the studies, most of them were related to job stress, job satisfaction and leadership patterns, etc. However, improving motivation and morale of the staff is as much important in respect of human resources management (HRM) and will enable them to undertake the work proudly and more devotedly in addition to salary review and promotion system. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between job stress, motivation system and job satisfaction of security officer in correctional institution. All the subjects are located in correctional institution of northern Taiwan. This study employed the survey method and the data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson`s correlation analysis and Multiple Stepwise Regression. This study found that motivation system has a positive correlation with job satisfaction, and job stress has a negative correlation with job satisfaction.


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