  • 學位論文


A Study of the Behavior of using Line APP on Interpersonal Relationships: the Case of Seniors

指導教授 : 呂慈恩


隨著網路普及與行動通訊設備的進步,人手一支智慧手機已是非常普遍的現象,使用網路與他人進行互動也不再是年輕人的專利,銀髮族使用LINE的情形也大為增加,除了透過LINE與家人朋友聯繫,更能經由網路拓展自己的交友圈。   本研究以LINE的使用行為與人際關係的影響,探討影響銀髮族使用LINE的相關因素及其使用情形。本研究以桃園中壢地區之銀髮族為研究對象進行問卷調查,共發出了260份問卷,回收之有效問卷有230份,有效問卷回收率為88%。研究結果顯示如下: 一、 LINE所具備的工具性質對銀髮族真實人際關係有顯著影響 二、 LINE所具備的社交性質對銀髮族虛擬人際關係有顯著影響 三、 LINE所具備的工具性質對銀髮族虛擬人際關係為負向顯著影響 四、 LINE所具備的即時性質對銀髮族虛擬人際關係為負向顯著影響


Abstract In recent years, there is a vigorous progress on Internet. With the advanced mobile communication devices, having a smart phone is easy to see everywhere. Nowadays, not only young people but also the seniors can use Internet to contact with others. The seniors can keep in touch with their family and friends by using LINE App, and expand the circle of friends gradually by using Internet. The study is based on the model of the connection between LINE App user behavior and relationship, and it also discusses the factors which affect the user behavior of LINE App. In this study, we make questionnaires for the seniors in Taoyuan, Chungli. The number of the questionnaire is 260, and the effective ones are 230. The recovery rate is 88%. The result of the study is as the below. 1. Communicational tool of LINE App has significant impact on real relationship. 2. Social function of LINE App has significant impact on virtual relationship. 3. Communicational tool of LINE App has negative effect on real relationship. 4. Instant feedbacks of LINE App has negative effect on virtual relationship.


一、 中文部分
1. 3C滔客(2015)。3D Touch 能預覽訊息了!iOS 版 LINE 5.8.0 推出七項新功能。取自http://3c.talk.tw/Mobile/Article.aspx?Article_ID=1652
2. Gamebase(2015)。LINE首款RPG遊戲《LINE 征服者-黎明之戰》磅礡上線 一場熱血沸騰的戰爭饗宴即將開始。取自http://www.gamebase.com.tw/news/topic/97823849/
3. iThome賀巧薇(2014)。資策會FIND調查:全台超過6成民眾用Line。取自 http://www.ithome.com.tw/article/89542


