  • 學位論文


Effects of Work Value and Job Characteristics on Work Attitude between Taiwaness and Chinese – A Case of one Designated Company

指導教授 : 黃同圳


個案公司於2008年因全球金融危機的關係而虧損嚴重,高層主管決定節省支出而執 行裁減人員的策略,以減輕人事成本。之後公司營運狀況逐漸轉好,雖然仍不及金融海 嘯前的榮景,但也已恢復到八成左右;直到2010年中旬,開始出現人力不足進而開始增 補人力,但增補人力之操作上的熟練度與操作應變的技巧性卻無法達到之前被裁減員工 的程度一樣,主要是缺乏實際的工作經驗與基礎教育訓練的不足,因此公司高層才驚覺 人力資源的重要性,故有效管理人力資源是企業藉以持續提昇競爭力的關鍵點,因此本 研究乃針對人力資源進行探討。 企業內的人才,無論何種工作性質,都是會有一定程度的技術性與專業性,畢竟術 業有專攻。但是在早期的企業管理,人力資源是不被重視的,現在隨著自由化的競爭與 國際化的衝擊下,人力資源的管理也隨著大環境的生態改變而調整應對的策略,如同多 位學者主張人力資源屬於企業內的無形資產,而且以錢慧如(2010)於經理人講堂中發表 的文章內指出,目前台灣較重視人才的不外乎是外商公司或是本土高科技公司,而且大 多數的企業對於人才最常以挖角為重要的獲得來源方式,而不以從基本面開始進行培育 養成的計畫。 工作態度一直以來都是企業主所重視的員工特質之ㄧ,劉麗薇(2008)統計天下雜誌 時發現,從1993~2007年的九次企業人才需求條件的調查結果中,工作態度共有4次位居 第一名,而且有2次位居第四名,表示企業主多半都會認為員工的工作態度是直接會影 響工作表現或工作績效的重要因子,但最近幾年企業主卻著重在學習能力、抗壓能力與 團隊合作上面,但此個案公司屬於傳統產業,因此本研究主要將工作態度納入此研究的 主軸上。 本研究以某個案公司的兩地員工為研究對象,經統計檢定、皮爾森相關係數分析、 變異數分析、多變量分析以及迴歸分析等等的研究方法,驗證與探討兩岸員工、工作價 值觀與工作特性等三個變數,在影響兩岸員工工作態度上所扮演的角色。 本研究的主要結構敘述如下: (1) 工作態度方面,以工作滿足、工作投入與組織承諾為主軸去進行探討。 (2) 工作價值觀方面,以「內在價值」、「外在價值」與「整體價值」去進行探究。 i (3) 工作特性方面,以多樣性、重要性、自主性、完整性與回饋性五項去分析。 (4) 兩岸員工也各針對個人屬性去進行分析與探究,試圖找出各構面的相關性。 本研究的主要發現敘述如下: (1) 在工作價值觀方面,台灣與大陸地區的員工偏好順序差異不大,整體而言,「能使 家人過比較好的生活」、「收入高」、「能自行決定自己的工作方式」是兩岸員工 認為比較重要的部分;而「有足夠的權力監督他人」、「能建立自己的社會名望」 則是兩岸員工認為比較不重要的部分。 (2) 工作投入方面,兩岸順序差異不大,以「我通常會盡心盡力做好工作」與「對我來 說,工作是很重要的」是兩岸員工比較同意的部分,而「我投入工作,常忽略很多 事情」、「工作是我生活最大的目標」的同意程度則都為兩岸員工的最低選項。 (3) 工作滿足部份,針對「能夠做不違背良心的事」、「使用自己判斷的機會」是兩岸 員工比較滿意的部分,而「叫別人做事的機會」與「我的報酬符合我工作量」都是 兩岸員工呈現出相對不滿意的程度。 (4) 在組織承諾部份,「我覺得是組織的一份子」、「現階段留在組織不是無奈事」與 「我對組織已經存在著感情」是兩岸員工比較同意的部分,而「若離開,我會找無 這麼好工作」、「若離開組織,我沒有工作機會」、「我願意一生在這個組織工作」、 「若現在離開組織,我有罪惡感」與「我已付出心力,不考慮換工作」都是兩岸員 工不同意的部份。 (5) 以台灣地區而言,員工有較高的內在與外在工作價值觀以及MPS分數愈高時,工作 態度中的工作投入也有較高的表現;以大陸地區而言,員工有較高的內在與外在工 作價值觀以及MPS分數愈高時,工作態度中的工作投入與工作滿足皆有較高的表現。 (6) 以內在價值觀而言,在台灣地區,「低內在價值觀-高MPS」的搭配是最好的組合, 但只有在工作投入與內在滿足的兩個構面上呈現,在大陸地區,「高內在價值觀-高 MPS」的搭配是最好的組合,可在工作投入、內在滿足與外在滿足的三個構面上呈 現。 (7) 以外在價值觀而言,在台灣地區,「高外在價值觀-高MPS」與「低外在價值觀-高 MPS」是兩種較好的組合,但分別只有在工作投入與內在滿足的兩個構面上單獨呈 現,在大陸地區,「高外在價值觀-高MPS」此組則是最佳的搭配組合,可在工作投 入、內在滿足與組織承諾的三個構面上呈現。 (8) 針對迴歸分析的結果,只有大陸地區的員工,其個人屬性、工作價值觀與工作特性 的差異是會影響到工作態度中的工作投入部分。


Because of the financial crisis in 2008, the designated company had huge deficit. In order to reduce personnel costs, executives decided to lay off employees to save money. Later the company operations gradually improved. In 2010 the company had been restored to about eighty percent of the 2007’s turnover. Until mid-2010, the company had the lack of manpower and later began to increase manpower. But the operating skill and proficiency of new workers are not enough than dismissal workers. The main reason is lack of experience and training in the actual work, so executives just discover the importance of human resources. As many scholars have argued, in enterprise management, to acquire intangible assets is the most difficult in important resources, however human resources is an important one. Therefore the effective management of human resources is the key point in order to continue to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. So this study is to explore for human resources. Regardless of what kind of work, all personnel within the enterprise have technical and professional. After all, industry specializing in surgery. But early in enterprise management, human resources are not being taken seriously. Now based on the impact of liberalization and internationalization, management of human resources with the global environment changes and adjust the strategy to deal with. As many scholars have argued, human resources is belong to intangible assets within the enterprise. According Miss. Qian (2010) pointed out in the published article, only local high-tech companies or foreign companies take attention to talented person in the current Taiwan. And most businesses to lure them away to get talent, rather than to start from the fundamentals to develop a plan to cultivate talent. Work attitude is one of the important characteristics which are valued by business owners. From Miss liu (2008) on the statistical findings of nine business professionals demand conditions, the work attitude is first choice four times and there are two times ranked fourth. Therefore, most business owners will agree that attitude is an important factor directly affecting job performance or job performance, and in recent years business owners have focused on learning ability, compressive strength and teamwork above. But this company belongs to the traditional industry, so this study will be incorporated work attitude into the spindle of this study. In this study, the company's taiwan and chinese employees are object of study. Using the statistical test, Pearson correlation coefficient analysis, analysis of variance, regression analysis, multivariate analysis and research methods verify employees of taiwan and chinese. To confirm staff attributes, work values and job characteristics,which affect Taiwan and China's employees' work attitude or not. The main structure of the present study are described below: (1) Work attitudes is for the spindle to be discussed with job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment. (2) Work value will be explored with intrinsic value, extrinsic value and overall value. (3) Work characteristics will be explored with the diversity, importance, autonomy, integrity, and feedback. (4) To analyze and explore personal attributes of Taiwan and Chinese employees try to find the correlation of each dimension. The main findings of this study are described below: (1) In terms of work values, "Let my family have a better life", "High income" and "Able to determine my working style" are considered relatively important part of the employees in Taiwan and China. "Have enough power to supervise others" and "Able to create my own social prestige" are considered relatively unimportant part of the employees in Taiwan and China . (2) In terms of Job Involvement, "I usually do my best to work" and "Work is very important for me" are considered relatively assent part of the employees in Taiwan and China. "I work hard and often ignore a lot of things" and " Work is the biggest goal of my life living " are considered not relatively agreed part of the employees in Taiwan and China . (3) In terms of Job Satisfaction, " Can not do things against my conscience" and "The opportunity to use my own judgment" are considered relatively satified part of the employees in Taiwan and China. "The opportunity to ask them to do things" and "My reward consistent with my work" are considered not relatively satified part of the employees in Taiwan and China . (4) In terms of organizational commitment, "I think I am the part of the organization", "Now left in the organization is not a helpless thing" and "My feelings on the organization already exists" are considered relatively assent part of the employees in Taiwan and China .but "If leaving, I will not find such a good job "," If leaving the organization, I had no job opportunity "," I am willing to work a lifetime in this organization, "" If now leaving the organization, I feel guilty "and" I already work hard and not considers changing jobs" are considered not relatively assent part of the employees in Taiwan and China . (5) In Taiwan, when the employees have higher intrinsic and extrinsic work values and higher MPS scores, in work attitude job involvement have higher performance. In China , the employees have higher when intrinsic and extrinsic work values and higher MPS scores , in work attitude job involvement and job satisfaction have higher performance. (6) In Taiwan, the "low intrinsic value - high MPS ' is the best combination, but only appear in Job Involvement and Intrinsic Satisfaction. In china," the high intrinsic value - high MPS "is the best combination ,and appear in job involvement , intrinsic satisfaction and external satisfaction (7) In Taiwan, the "High extrinsic values - high MPS" and "low extrinsic values - high MPS" are two good combinations, but only appear in job involvement and intrinsic satisfaction. In china, " the high extrinsic value - high MPS "is the best combination, and appear in job involvement, intrinsic satisfaction and organizational commitment. (8) For the results of the regression analysis, the difference of china’s employees between their personal attributes, work values and job characteristics that will affect the job Satisfaction in work attitude


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(4) 余鑑、于俊傑與廖珮妏,「連鎖餐飲業員工人格特質、工作特性、工作滿意度之研究-以美式星期五餐廳為例」,台北科技大學學報,第41-2期,83-110頁,民國九十七年十二月。
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