  • 學位論文


Mountain Rescue Strategies for Firefighters- Example of the Four Beasts Mountains

指導教授 : 詹益臨
共同指導教授 : 蕭良豪(Liang-Hao Hsiao)


四獸山上有許多廟宇及特色景點,例如,北星寶宮、真光禪寺、靈隱寺、六巨石、九五峰、一線天等特色景點與廟宇,除了登山步道最為登山客或ㄧ般民眾津津樂道就是鄰近四獸山旁的南港山五條攀岩步道,但由於五條攀岩步道距地面皆有10公尺以上的落差,常有民眾攀爬過程中因體力不支或閃神失手而墜落造成人命傷亡,若報案民眾為外地人不熟知當地之地理位置,將會造成消防人員無法第一時間判斷該由哪個登山口進入救援。 本文係針對消防人員對於四獸山地理位置熟悉度、救援所需的繩索救援技術作為精進,以專家訪談之方式,與消防隊資深管理幹部與台北市搜救隊資深隊員將相關救援案例分析後以不同角度的觀點並歸納出問題並收集資料作為日後四獸山鄰近消防分隊執行山區救助精進之方向。 本研究發現除了提升消防人員繩索救援技術可以提高救援效率外,使用雙繩系統進行救援可以提高現場救援的安全性,也發現將事故現場指揮體系帶入山難救援中有助於現場指揮官調度之流暢度且分工明確,事故現場指揮體系因為具有安全官的機制,對於災害現場救援人員的安全性有實質上的幫助。


四獸山 繩索救援 山區救助


The Four Beasts Mountains feature temples and unique destinations including the Beixingbao Temple, Zenguang Temple, Lingyin Temple, Liu Ju Shi (six rocks), Jiuwufeng, and Yixiantian. In addition to hiking trails, arguably the most enjoyable destinations for hikers and visitors are the five Nangang Shan rock-climbing trails near the Four Beasts Mountains. However, all of these trails are more than 10 meters above ground, and thus casualties have occurred—not in small numbers—when climbers fall due to fatigue, them becoming distracted, or their hands slipping. If the people who report such incidents are unfamiliar with the area, firefighters may not be able to quickly identify which mountain entrance to use for rescue. Focusing on improving firefighters’ familiarity with the locality of the Four Beasts Mountains and rope rescue techniques, this study conducted expert interviews with senior managers of firefighting teams and senior members of the Taipei City Urban Search and Rescue Team, and analyzed a rescue mission case study from various perspectives. Moreover, we compiled current problems and collected relevant data to provide a reference for firefighting teams located near the Four Beasts Mountains for developing mountain rescue improvement plans. This study found that in addition to improving firefighter rope rescue technology can improve rescue efficiency,Using a main and belay line system for rescue can improve the safety of on-site rescue,It is also found that bringing the Incident Command System into the mountain rescue will help the on-site commander to dispatch and smooth the division of labor,The Incident Command System has a substantial help to the safety of disaster rescue personnel because of the mechanism of the security officer.


[1]瑞溯客全方位國際有限公司,「技術繩索救援Technical Rope Rescue-操作級 LEVEL 1」,2016再版。
[2]瑞溯客全方位國際有限公司,「技術繩索救援Technical Rope Rescue-技術級 LEVEL 2」,2013。
