  • 學位論文


Effect of Gender on Student's Basic Literacy: The Case in Program for International Student Assessment Study

指導教授 : 彭開琼


台灣經歷經濟發展變遷,同時在教育改革方面,今年已邁向十二年國教,而「性別平等教育」是十二年國教延續九年一貫課程納入的重大議題。傳統刻板印象認為「女擅文,男擅理」,女性擅長文科,男性則擅長理科。現今世界先進國家莫不致力倡導「性別平等」,希望從教育扎根致力消除對女性不公平的對待,使女性能獲得充分的發展與保障。在各國提倡性別平等多年後,男女在基本素養上擅長的領域是否發生改變?差距如何?與刻板印象是否吻合?是本文所要探究的。 本文利用2009年「國際學生能力評量計畫」(the Programme for International Student Assessment )分析31個國家,不同性別對於15歲學生閱讀、數學和科學三素養的影響,亦探討國際之間人均國內生產總值(GDP)、人類發展指數(HDI)和教育支出佔GDP比重對於學生上述素養的關係,透過多元迴歸加以實證。我們的結果顯示女性閱讀素養較男性閱讀素養為佳,男性數學素養則優於女性的數學素養,但在科學素養上,男女則呈現無差異,與刻板印象略有不同,閱讀素養和科學素養的研究結果與近年來的研究大致相同。 再者,當國民所得提升時,對學生的閱讀素養、數學素養和科學素養皆有不利影響,而人類發展指數變動時,也會影響閱讀素養、數學素養和科學素養朝同方向變動,至於教育支出佔GDP比重對於學生前述三項素養影響並不顯著。本文結果為當國民所得提升反而不利於學生的素養表現是與過去研究最大的不同,是否當經濟躍昇到一定程度時,將有害於教育?期能提供未來研究者做經濟發展與教育關聯之間議題的基石。


Taiwan has experienced the fastest growing economies for the past years, in the meantime, it is an important reformation that the implement of 12-year compulsory education in 2014. Gender equity education in Grade 1-9 Curriculum, which is included into 12-year compulsory education, is a continual crucial topic. It is the traditional stereotype that "female-being good at literature, male-being good at science." Most advanced countries in the world have been always devoted to advocate Gender equity, and hope through the implementation of Gender equity education to eliminate all discrimination against females and acquire the full development and protection. The purpose of this study is to explore the changes and gap of the basic literacy competencies after years of implementing gender equity education. The study also aims to explore the differences from the stereotype. In this paper, we analyze the effect of gender on reading, mathematical and scientific literacy of 15-year-old students through 31 countries, which were selected from Sixty-three countries took part in PISA 2009. We also explore the relationship among GDP, HDI and the proportion of education expenditure to GDP and the above literacy competencies of students, and verify through Multiple Regression Analysis .The results show as follow : 1. Females’ reading literacy are better than males’, Males are better than females in mathematical literacy, however, it is slightly different from the stereotype that there’s no differences in scientific literacy. 2. The research in reading and science is the same as recent research. The increasing in GDP will cause bad impact on students’ reading, mathematical and scientific literacy. In the meantime, the changes of HDI will lead the three literacy competencies toward the same results, but the proportion of education expenditure to GDP had no significant effect on the above three literacy competencies. The study shows the biggest difference from the past is that the increasing of GDP causes negative affect on the students’ three literacy competencies. This issue will be discussed for future research about the correlation between the economic development level and education.




(1) 余民寧、趙珮晴、許嘉家,「影響國中小女學生基本素養與學習興趣因素:以台灣國際數學與科學教育成就調查趨勢(TIMSS)資料為例」,教育資料與研究雙月刊,第八十七期,79-104頁,民國九十八年。
(2) 周佳樺,「國中學生國語文學習態度、學習行為與基本素養之相關研究,雲林科技大學,碩士論文,民國九十五年。
(3) 林煥祥、劉聖忠、林素微、李暉,臺灣參加PISA 2006 成果報告,臺北市,行政院國家科學委員會,民國九十七年。
(4) 林碧珍、蔡文煥,「TIMSS 2003臺灣國小四年級學生的數學素養及其相關因素之探討」,科學教育,第二百八十五期,2~38頁,民國九十四年。
(5) 洪碧霞,台灣PISA 2009 精簡報告,臺北市,國家PISA 國家研究中心,民國九十九年。
