  • 學位論文


A Study on the Position and Function of Juvenile Justice

指導教授 : 盧映潔


我國為處理少年事件而制定少年事件處理法,而從本法第三條管轄事件的規定可發現我國少年事件處理法僅處理少年犯罪以及虞犯事件,而不及於其他少年事件,由此可見我國少年法制上,仍將少年司法與其他少年事件分別處理,而非由少年司法系統處理所有的少年案件。然而非謂少年事件處理法即是單純的司法體系,我國少年事件處理法創設一獨特的司法福利系統,以承載少年事件處理法不同於傳統刑事 司法之目的—對於少年健全成長發達權之保護。 本論文第二章首先討論少年概念之獨特性,並介紹由此而開展的專為少年設立的少年法制,以及在少年法制中形塑出的少年主體性權利。於本章最後將介紹少年法制為了處理少年事件所創設之特殊場域—少年法院,以及此特殊場域之存在目的以及功能。第三章則將進入比較法介紹,由於我國少年事件處理法於立法時大量參考日本少年法,受日本少年法影響深遠,因此於本章先介紹日本少年法制,第四章則進 入我國少年事件處理法之介紹,最後於第五章提出我國少年事件法制目前面臨之困境,本文最後認為目前欲解決我國少年事件處理法之困境,唯一之解決之道仍需回歸少年事件處理法之立法目的,亦即,少年法制之相關人員需認知到少年司法之目的乃在於對少年健全之自我成長權之維護,而依此概念適用、解釋法條,始為本法困境目前唯一解決之道。


Juvenile Delinquency Act is made to deal with cases of youth criminal. From the Article 3 od the Act, we could find that the Act only handle juvenile delinquencies, however can not resolve general problem of juvenile cases. Rather than ordinary youth problems, the juvenile justice system simply involves criminal matters. Therefore, juvenile justice system is different from normal oone, the legislative goal of the Act is to protect teenager and make sure their rights to grow up well. In the past, the society pays no attention to teenager groups and deems it unnecessary to differentiate between the young and adults. However, this situation have changed in the seventeenth century. With appearance of the concept that young people are different from adults, the juvenile legal system has been developed in the first place. In the end, the juvenile legal system has created the right for the youth group. Juvenile legal system takes youth group as the subject but not the object of the legal system, and the juvenile court has also been created. Juvenile court is specially made to deal with juvenile cases. Since the difference between youth group and adults, juvenile court is not like the other. Welfare function is incorporated into the juvenile court to adjust the pure justice function in the court. The Act we use in Taiwan is inherited from the Japanese Juvenile Code, and therefore Chapter 3 discuss how the juvenile legal system works in Japan and what the problems they have to face now. Further, Chapter 4 introduces how the juvenile system works in Taiwan, and the difference of juvenile legal system between Taiwan and Japan. At last, the essay would discuss the problems we’re facing now in Taiwan and the possible solutions.




