  • 學位論文


The Suggestions For Construction of Juvenile Probation system Resource Network

指導教授 : 徐偉群


我國少年事件處理法制定於民國51年,因為當時社會環境因素影響,該法帶有濃厚的嚴罰色彩,被學者稱之為「迷你刑法」。立法實施多年後,該法於民國86年終於做了重大修正。此次修正是本法公布後最大的一次修法變革,建立一個以少年為中心,強調人性尊嚴,並引進大量的福利性的措施,為我國少年司法制度導入了福利司法的色彩。然而在立法導入福利資源後,實務上卻未能同步並行使用福利資源,一方面是因為法院體系和社會福利機構之間合作基礎不成熟,以致觀護人與社福體系無法找出適合的合作方式;另一方面是因為社福機構的主管機關並非法院體系,兩者間無管轄關係,觀護人想使用資源時並不一定可以順利取得合作管道,所以本文試著介紹我國現有的社會福利機構,嘗試分析和法院建立合作網絡的可行性。 本文嘗試檢視我國少年觀護制度的演變過程,以及現今我國少年司法實務施行狀況、困境與缺失,再介紹美國立法例及美國轉向制度的實施以進行探討。為了有效達成觀護制度的立法目的,解決現行觀護制度中觀護人案量過多所衍生的問題,本文以建構觀護制度資源網絡概念為中心提出改進芻議,期使我國觀護人能夠成為少年福利資源的整合者,提供少年適切的幫助。 本文採質化取向的深度訪談法進行研究,與觀護人、少年輔導委員會社工人員、少年福利服務中心社工人員進行訪談,藉以了解觀護人的工作業務,並探詢觀護人對於現況更深層的想法與建議。同時整理受訪的少年輔導委員會和少年福利服務中心執行少年輔導工作的模式,瞭解我國社會福利機構能夠提供給觀護人的資源,本文試圖在三者之間建立一個資源網絡的雛型。


Our Juvenile Delinquency Act was enacted in 1962.Because of the social and political climate at that time, the juvenile system contained a lot of punitive provisions, it was referred by scholars as the ”Penal Code in miniature”. After many years, the law has finally done a major revision in1997. The amendment is a momentous changes the promulgation of this Law, designed to protect juvenile offenders’ personal dignity. The legislative purpose of the 1997 reform indicated that our juvenile system has become a welfare justice. However, the practice has failed to synchronize the use of welfare resources in parallel. Since the court system and social welfare institutions was immature of cooperation, resulting in probation and social welfare system can’t find the right cooperation; on the other hand, because the competent authorities of the social welfare institutions are not in the court system,the jurisdictional relationship between the social welfare and court does not exist.When the probation want to use the resources ,they can not successfully cooperate with the social welfare. This article is trying to introduce our existing social welfare agencies, try the analysis and the courts to establish the feasibility of cooperation networks. This article examines the current status, implementation difficulties and defects of the juvenile probation system. This article also introduces the U.S. juvenile systems and discusses the diversion system. In order to effectively achieve the legislative purpose of the probation system to solve the problem of the current probation system, probation case excessive derived to construct the concept of the probation system resource network-centric improve discussion of our probation to become integration of the juvenile welfare resources to provide appropriate assistance to the juvenile offenders. The researcher took qualitative research method to have interviews with juvenile probation officers, Youth Counseling Commission social workers, juvenile welfare services center social worker conducted interviews in order to understand the concept of the workers operations, and inquiring probation for suggestions. This article attempts to build the type of a network of resources between the three.




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