  • 學位論文


A study of water resource and environmental literacy at junior high schools in Sinjuang district

指導教授 : 龐元勳


自環境教育法施行以來,環境教育的課程,必須納入各級學校每年研習當中,並規定教師參加,以加強教師的環境素養。目前九年一貫課綱中,環境教育屬於七大議題之一,以融入方式,在原有的學習領域,遇到相關課程時,由老師發揮,進行環境教育的結合,所以老師本身的環境素養會影響到環境教育融入的深度與教學效果。然而了解學生本身的環境素養與需求,作為相關課程教學的設計參考,也是很重要的。   本研究之目的在於了解國中學生水資源環境素養之學習成效,採問卷調查法,針對新北市新莊區四所國中展開抽樣調查,回收有效問卷一共338份,問卷設計分為認知選擇題,態度與行為的五分量表,其下有兩層向度:第一層向度認知可分為知識性與經驗性,態度可分為關懷、價值、責任,而行為可分為校內外;第二層向度則可分為水量、水質、水環境的問題,以此歸納出學生水資源素養各方面的優缺點。   研究結果經過基本資料分析與交叉分析整理如下: 一、研究樣本與母體在學校、年級、學生性別、導師性別的比例接近,結構相似具有代表性。 二、學生參與各項水資源相關活動的來源,校外(788人次)高於校內(192人次),顯見現今學生參加水資源活動大多來自於校外。 三、認知方面,學生題目平均答對率達66%,但在水自淨過程與溼地功能的題目,僅有34%與42%的答對率,顯見學生這些方面的知識缺乏。 四、學生對水資源的態度(3.7分),偏向同意。 五、學生對水資源的行為(12題,平均3.3)偏向僅約半做到。 六、背景變項中,僅有九年級的認知與其他年級有明顯差異,其他認知、態度、行為的表現,不同學校、性別、導師性別、年級之間皆無明顯差異。 關鍵字:環境教育、環境素養、水資源、環境行為


Since the environmental education policy has been running, it has been considered the essential part of every schools’ annual teaching training. To strengthen teachers’ related knowledge, they are requested to join the training by school policy. For the purpose of letting students understand more about environmental literacy, teachers combine the original class lessons and the environmental teaching materials. Not only will the qualities of the teachers themselves affect the profundity and effectiveness of the result on the students, but it is also the needs of the students themselves. Therefore, both ways are major considerations for designing the curriculum. The aim of the study is to explore junior high school students’ understanding of water resource and environmental literacy. In order to accomplish this purpose, the researcher used questionnaires to investigate four different junior high schools’ students (7th-9th grade) in Sinjuang district and compiled the 388 relevant questionnaires. The questionnaire includes multiple choice questions and questions that assess attitude and behavior on a five-level basis. The questions are designed to measure the students’ knowledge and opinions on environmental issue as well as participation in relevant activities; these activities are divided into inside school or outside. In the second stage, there are questions related to water resources, including questions about water supply, water quality, and the water environment. According to the questionnaire, the researcher is capable of generalizing the advantages and disadvantages of students’ environmental literacy. After cross-examining and basic information analysis, the researcher has made the following conclusions: 1. The schools in question have similar proportions of grades, teacher genders, and student genders. The demographics of these schools are almost the same, so the study is representative of most junior high schools’ situation. 2. Compared to in-school activities, students frequently participated in after-school activities which related to water resources. 3. An average percentage of 64% of students were familiar with basic water resource issues. However, only 34% answered questions about the wetlands correctly, and only 42% were correct on questions about natural water purification. It’s obvious that students lack knowledge relevant to these issues. 4. Students tend to have a positive attitude toward saving water resources. 5. Barely half of the students practice preservation of water resources. 6. Of the variable among student population, only the difference between the knowledge of 9th grade students and the knowledge of other grades was significant. Other than that, the other variables of different schools, grades, teacher genders, and student genders made no difference in the questionnaire. Key words: enviromental education, enviromental literacy, water resources, enviromental behavior


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