  • 學位論文


The Impact of Incarceration and Social Support on Adjustment to Prison

指導教授 : 林育聖


過去關於受刑人適應問題的研究多將適應視為一種靜態狀態,事實上,受刑人適應監獄生活是一種過程,其本質是「變化」。根據過去的文獻,本研究假設受刑人的適應困難與否受到社會支持的影響;而社會支持與適應問題都會隨著時間產生變化。   本研究針對台灣地區44所監獄、看守所等機構以隨機抽取出受刑人的方式,以問卷的方式調查受刑人的基本資料及負面監禁效應的狀況。最終完成1,505名樣本。本研究首先將受刑人分為短刑期(3年以下)、中刑期(3-10年)、長刑期(10年以上)三組,透過Multiple Regression的統計方法,控制住其他變項以瞭解「已服刑時間」與「社會支持」對於負面監禁效應的影響。另藉由Baron的路徑分析方法,檢驗社會支持是否在負面監禁效應與時間之間發揮中介作用。   在負面監禁效應的部分,本研究提供了「已服刑時間越長,受刑人自陳越多的違規與被害恐懼」的證據。然而,關於生理及心理疾病等負面監禁效應本研究未能提供進一步的證據。至於社會支持方面,社會支持確實隨時間變化,但本研究也發現幾點不同於以往研究之重要發現:   一、社會支持會隨著時間變化,而變化的情形因刑期長短而異。3年以下受刑人家屬匯錢的機率隨時間增加,探視的變化則呈現倒U型;3-10年受刑人家屬匯錢機率同樣隨時間增加,但探視變化卻呈現U型;至於10年以上的長刑期受刑人,其感受到的職員支持隨時間下降。二、中介效果只存在長刑期的受刑人身上:隨著服刑時間的增加,刑期10年以上的受刑人感受到的職員支持越低,且其被害恐懼就越高。   根據前述研究發現,本研究提出三點政策建議:第一、提供職員支持以補充家庭支持之不足;第二、提高受刑人作業金;第三、加強監控措施以改善恐懼。


Most researches of adjustment to imprisonment focused on inmates’ characteristics, and only a few studies paid attention on the changes during their incarceration. This study assumes that negative effects such as physiological and psychological disease, misconduct, and the fear of assault, would change over time. Served time also play an important role on inmates’ social support. Using survey data from “An Assessment of Prison Policy and Management in Taiwan” consisting 1,505 inmates from 44 prisons and jails, this study exams the effects of served time and social support on inmates’ adjustment to prison. The evidence shows that negative effects of incarceration do changes over time. Inmates report more skin disease, misconduct and more fears of assault as they spend more time in prison. As for social support, the effects of time served are different from inmates under 3 years sentence, 3-10 years, and over 10 years. Inmates under 3 years and 3-10 years report that the longer they served, the more chance their family would offer the economic supports. The results show a reverse U-shape relationship between time served and family members visiting for those inmates whose sentencing length are less than 3 years, but an U-shape relationship for 3-10 years sentence sample. On the other hand, inmates who got more then 10-year sentence feel less staff support as time goes by, and it makes more fear of assault. Based on the findings, this study suggests: (1) More staff support could help inmates adapt to their incarceration. (2) Reasonable labor compensation could help inmates reintegrate into the society. (3) More surveillance of crime prevention could release the pain from fear of assault.


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