  • 學位論文


A Study of Educational Institution Enhancement Customer Loyalty by Service Quality: SEM Application.

指導教授 : 梁世安


現今的已開發國家均以服務業占GDP產值的最大宗,服務品質已成為近年來實務和學術界最感興趣的主題。在顧客導向的時代裡,企業必須站在顧客的立場,深入瞭解顧客需求,而「企業形象」與「服務品質」兩項要素通常是影響消費者在制訂購買決策過程中初步決定的關鍵因素。因此,如何提升企業本身的服務品質與企業形象是相當重要的課題。本研究的目的有三:(1)歸納出一個朗朗上口、利於記憶的PEPSI服務品質模式;(2)檢視企業形象與顧客滿意、顧客忠誠之間的因果關係;(3) 提供資訊技藝文教機構一個作為行銷策略擬定時可參考的依據。 實證上,本研究以A公司為個案公司,並以其全省分校之學員作為研究對象,使用分層配額抽樣法,透過課後滿意度線上問卷的填答方式蒐集樣本。利用Cronbach’α與組合信度(Composite Reliability, CR)檢測問卷之信度,再以驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis)檢視問卷的收斂效度(Convergent Validity)與區別效度(Discriminate Validity)。主要使用的資料分析方法為結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling),利用 LISREL8.51版軟體以SIMPLIS語法進行軟體操作。使用結構方程模式則是希望找出多個變數間的關連性,再根據其效果分析的結果產生策略意涵。研究結果發現除了講師素質與上課環境兩構面與顧客滿意無顯著影響外,其餘假說均獲得檢定支持;企業形象會顯著的影響顧客滿意與顧客忠誠,且影響顧客滿意的效果大於影響顧客忠誠;以及各潛伏外生變數對於潛伏內生變數的影響效果。


Nowadays, the service industry takes up the largest part of GDP in developed countries. Thus, the service quality has become the most popular research topic in both of academics and industries in recent years. Especially in terms of customer-oriented concept, enterprises need to take customers’ stances and need into consideration deeply and put an emphasis on how to enhance the corporate image and to improve the service quality that both play the vital roles in determining consumers’ purchase decisions at the first step. In sum, there are three purposes of this research: (1) to establish a PEPSI service quality model that is easy to be memorized; (2) to investigate the relationships between factors, including the corporate image, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty; and (3) to provide the educational institutions with a guideline when they make marketing strategies. The stratified quota sampling method is adopted to gather sampling data from the educational institution. Each sample is asked to fill out the satisfaction questionnaire via Internet after class. The questionnaire’s reliability is tested by Cronbach’α and composite reliability. The convergent validity and discriminate validity are also tested by confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, this study uses SEM to test the hypotheses. SEM is usually used to find out the relationships among multi-variables and to provide strategic implications based on its effect analysis. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: (1) People and environment have no significant influences on customer satisfaction; (2) Overall, nearly all the other hypotheses are strongly supported, excluding the above-mentioned; (3) The corporate image has a significant influence on customer satisfaction much more than customer loyalty.


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