  • 學位論文


Electronic Components Manufacturing Sectors Energy and Water Resources Demand Planning for A 3E Mathematical programming Modeling Approach

指導教授 : 張四立


化石能源的燃燒使用,造成大氣中二氧化碳等溫室氣體的濃度急速增加,產生愈來愈明顯的全球增溫、海平面上升及全球氣候變遷加劇等的現象,對水資源、農作物、生態系統及人類健康等各層面造成日益明顯的負面衝擊。因此,在考量地球永續發展前題下雖然我國並非聯合國會員,國際地位特殊無法參與國際相關的議題事務,然基於環境保護、避免國際上可能的貿易制裁等和提升國家競爭力前題下,為避免喪失競爭優勢並使產業能及早因應調適等因素,政府與產業界均亟力共思提出符合本國特有狀況及國際互動趨勢需求的二氧化碳減量方案以做為因應,否則面對未來如此不確定性下的國際情勢變化,勢必對我國經濟及產業整體發展產生相當大的影響與衝擊。 本研究希望以環境、能源和經濟3E角度切入,藉由國內外電子零組件產業長期之產業資料的蒐集,以瞭解在全球有舉足輕重的臺灣電子零組件產業的能資源使用與未來因應諸多環境問題時之發展趨勢。以投入產出為基礎,建立與其他產業之關聯性,及能源消耗、污染排放等和產值產量的關係,分析此產業對國家能資源需求現狀,再配合線性規劃法模擬,當臺灣電子零組件產業能源、資源或污染排放受到限制時,對此產業和國家整體經濟、環境的影響,以提供作為政府未來制定整體產業政策及扶植相關產業應注意之配套措施的參考。 目前本研究發現所得到的結論,現提出幾點建議供未來我國制定相關決策時的參考: (一) 在制定能源、經濟與產業發展的相關政策時,除了考量環境因素(即二氧化碳減量標準)外,應同時納入其它資源(例如:水、土地、就業人口…等)的使用狀況,以避免厚此薄彼的現象產生。 (二) 可考慮調整電子業下游如印刷電路板的生產型態,以因應此產業高耗能高污染但相對低產值的困窘。並在歐盟諸多環境法規要求下,研發新低碳低污染之替代原料及改善生產製造的技術,以達到能源效率提昇與降低污染的目標。


The increasing use of fossil fuels has caused a dramatic growth of concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which has induced global warming problem, caused sea level rises, and placed serious threat on water resource availability, as well as natural and human environmental systems sustainability. Although Taiwan is not a member of the United Nations, thus not eligible participating international environmental agreements in the UN’s arena, however, due to the concerns of global environment, as well as national image on environmental protection, both the government and the enterprises of Taiwan alike are determined to construct its own feasible legal as well as executive framework to deal with the mitigation and adaptation of GHG emission issue, taking the UNFCCC and Kyoto protocol as a reference, at the same time to minimize possible negative impact on national comparative competitiveness. This study is conducted to analyze the interrelations among energy, environmental and economic performance of the electronic components manufacturing sector in Taiwan, taking the availability of energy (electricity, to be exact) and water resource as constraints for the expansion of its capacity. A linear programming model is constructed to fulfill the objective in which the feature of inter-industry structure of the economy is captured by the Input-Output framework. The consumption of energy and water resources and the resulting pressures on CO2 emission reduction and water resource shortage are taking into account as constraints in the model. Scenarios regarding the strategies of future development of this particular sector have been evaluated, accordingly. The conclusions are summarized as following: (一) Aside from environmental aspect, the government should comprehensively taking economic and energy prospective into consideration in determining the future development policy for the electronic component manufacturing sector. (二) Specific considerations should be rendered to the sub-sector of print circuit board that the manufacturing of PCB is featured with high energy intensity as well as low value-added. It suggests that either energy substitution or efficiency improvement should be implemented for the future development of the sector in order to cope with relative regulations in EU market.


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