  • 學位論文


Police Responses to Domestic Violence Cases under the Non-mandatory Arrest Policy

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖


我國家庭暴力防治法2007年修法重點之一為賦予員警更積極介入家庭暴力案件之權限,加強保護被害人的安全並嚇阻加害人再犯。然而,基層處理員警的實務作為似乎未見更加積極,故有必要對於影響員警作為因素進行實證探究。本研究為瞭解當前員警在面對家暴案件時所採取的實質作為方式與組織、當事人、案件特徵間的關係,並對未來政策與實務走向提出建言。 根據過往研究發現的重要因素對照通報表項目可得資訊後,探討五類預測變項對警察是否聲請緊急保護令與是否逮捕相對人兩項較積極處置的作用:組織因素、相對人特性、被害人特性、案件特性與被害人態度。本研究蒐集了台灣兩縣市17個分局共2,398件警方受理家庭暴力案件,經整理後共計使用2,202件樣本,其中由警察聲請保護令者有276件、逮捕相對人者僅33件。先以卡方獨立性檢定篩選對警察處置作為顯著影響變項,再使用對數迴歸預測警察在何種情形會採取較積極處置。 分析結果顯示影響警察聲請緊急保護令以及逮捕的因素不盡相同,惟均與相對人的家庭暴力前科、藥物使用習慣、不法侵害類型以及被害人告訴意願有關。控制分局別後,警察是否聲請緊急保護令受到被害人求助積極程度以及恐懼加害人等影響,而被害人特性和案件特性在最終的對數模型中並不顯著。警察逮捕的對數模型也顯示被害人提出告訴是最顯著的預測因子。故推論,警察雖然會將家庭暴力防治法施行細則以及相關作業規範納入積極回應的考量之一,惟被害人意願仍然扮演關鍵性的角色,第一線員警極少運用專業裁量獨立評估相對人我國家庭暴力防治法2007年修法重點之一為賦予員警更積極介入家庭暴力案件之權限,加強保護被害人的安全並嚇阻加害人再犯。然而,基層處理員警的實務作為似乎未見更加積極,故有必要對於影響員警作為因素進行實證探究。本研究為瞭解當前員警在面對家暴案件時所採取的實質作為方式與組織、當事人、案件特徵間的關係,並對未來政策與實務走向提出建言。 根據過往研究發現的重要因素對照通報表項目可得資訊後,探討五類預測變項對警察是否聲請緊急保護令與是否逮捕相對人兩項較積極處置的作用:組織因素、相對人特性、被害人特性、案件特性與被害人態度。本研究蒐集了台灣兩縣市17個分局共2,398件警方受理家庭暴力案件,經整理後共計使用2,202件樣本,其中由警察聲請保護令者有276件、逮捕相對人者僅33件。先以卡方獨立性檢定篩選對警察處置作為顯著影響變項,再使用邏輯斯迴歸預測警察在何種情形會採取較積極處置。 分析結果顯示影響警察聲請緊急保護令以及逮捕的因素不盡相同,惟均與相對人的家庭暴力前科、藥物使用習慣、不法侵害類型以及被害人告訴態度有關。控制分局別後,警察是否聲請緊急保護令受到被害人求助積極程度以及恐懼加害人等影響,而被害人特性和案件特性在最終的邏輯斯迴歸模型中並不顯著。警察逮捕的對數模型也顯示被害人提出告訴是最顯著的預測因子。故推論,警察雖然會將家庭暴力防治法施行細則以及相關作業規範納入積極回應的考量之一,惟被害人態度仍然扮演關鍵性的角色,第一線員警極少運用專業裁量獨立評估相對人危險性以及被害人再被害可能性而主動採取積極回應措施。 根據上述研究發現,建議警察防治家庭暴力工作手冊中應針對聲請保護令以及逮捕制定更為明確且詳細的判斷依據。警察教育訓練應強化家庭暴力處理程序的標準化、一致化,以避免有相同特性的案件卻因處理的警察單位或員警不同而有迥異的結果。家庭暴力案件調查紀錄或通報表中應納入相對人訪談紀錄,並詳加記載警察後續處置作為及其考量因素。通報表格式若能與後續刑事司法處置機關加以整合,將有利於減少資源浪費、增加資訊傳播,進而有利整體家庭暴力案件分析。惟有透過團隊 合作,不斷針對案件處置後續結果加以評量改進,才能達成家庭暴力防治法立法目的。


An amendment to the domestic violence prevention act in Taiwan has given the police more authority to interfere domestic violence case more zealously, in order to offer more protection for the victims, and deter offenders from recidivism. However, police response concerning domestic violence has not improved as expected, and therefore an empirical research based on the influential factors will be necessary. Based on coding and analyzing the incident reports of domestic violence and the child protection cases, the current study intended to develop a fuller picture of police dealing with domestic violence cases and explore the relationship between the characteristics of organization and the persons involved and the incident. Some recommendations for the policy and practice were also addressed. According to the results of previous studies and the reports of incidents, the present study focuses on investigating the contextual, demographic, and situational effects to active police responses, namely the petition of emergent protection order and arrest the abuser. The factors are classified into five aspects: organizational factors of police authority, the characteristic of offender, victim, incident and the attitude of victim. The present study employs data from 2,202 processed domestic violence cases, including 276 cases with protection order applied by the police, and 33 cases with offenders arrested. Data were collected from 17 different branches in two Taiwanese counties. To sieve out the significant influential factors, I used chi-square test to test the independence. In the end, two logistic regression models were developed to explain the significant variables of the police response regarding the domestic violence cases. The finding shows that the significant variables of police responses in enforcing criminal protection order and those of arresting the suspect are largely dissimilar. However, the two responses are influenced by the domestic violence history, drug usage, physical injury, and victim’s willing of proceeding with cases. It is also found that the victim’s and case’s characteristics are not significant in the final logistic regression model. The regression model also shows that the victim’s proceeding with cases is the most significant variable. Though the police response will take accounts of the domestic violence prevention act at large, the victim’s attitude still play the key role. The police seldom use their professional discretion to estimate the dangerousness of the abuser and the risk of re-victimization of the victim. Some suggestions are drawn from the research findings. Firstly, Police Prevention Domestic Violence Guide Book should include clear decision making details for criminal orders of protection and arrest. Secondly, the police should receive a standard and consistent training and instruction before dealing with DV cases to minimize diversity. Thirdly, the domestic incident report should include the police decision making record and the offender’s interview record. Finally, it is suggested that more efforts are needed to integrate intelligence system of the police, other criminal justice agency, and third parties. To achieve the aim of domestic violence prevention act, an integrative system to support the victim and prevent them from further harm is desperately needed.




