  • 學位論文


Narrative dilemma: A young social worker’s process of searching for ideal professional image

指導教授 : 程玲玲


這是一段講述年輕社工從敘說困頓出發,在職場中找尋社工專業圖像,從社工專業中與家庭交織,再回到家中的歷程。 在敘說學習的過程中,經歷了一次挫敗經驗,從而抗拒敘說,否定敘說。透過不斷的反思與覺察,也試著嘗試說出內心os的方法,敘說學習者得以突破敘說,將自己的主體性展現。而在敘說學習過程中,逐漸看到敘說的價值,也看見敘說的美,透過敘說,更能邁向一致性。 進入職場的領域後,年輕社工帶著自己的價值觀與專業圖像與服務對象工作。年輕社工與服務對象互動的過程中,逐漸感到無力感,從無力感當中看見雙方的差異性與各自期待,看見年輕社工本身的價值觀、源自家裡的情緒、心中的內在小孩。體會到這些後,可以區分雙方的各自期待,以及看見各自的限度與廣度,因而更可以與服務對象互動下去。 從職場中明瞭無力感是與家庭氛圍所連結的,故,回觀自己的家庭,期望能更靠近自己的家,從家中亦能區分三角關係,也能看見家的美好。 透過敘說困頓的經驗,讓我在學習敘說之路上,更能看見敘說的重要性,也看見逐漸長出主體性的我,更能透過文本我與經驗我的交織,讓我感受我的感受。職場中與服務對象的互動,更讓我看見自己慣有的生存姿態,也逐漸讓我有意識地了解行為背後的意義。回到家中,讓我看見家的抗拒逐漸瓦解,也讓我有回家的動力。


社工 專業圖像 敘說困頓


This is a narrative about a young social worker who was stocked in a narrative dilemma and is looking for ideal professional image in the workplace, is interlaced with the social work profession, her family, and returning home. Have failed in a presentation to the narrative group, I was stocked in a narrative dilemma. Through continuous reflection and awareness, I try to speak out my inner OS. It helps me to overcome my narrative dilemma and to demonstrate my subjectivity. In the process of narrative, I gradually appreciate the value of the narrative. Through the narrative, I am becoming a congruent person. Serving as a social worker, I have gradually felt powerlessness while interacting with my clients. The differences between clients and I and different expectations toward each other make me powerlessness as well. My value system is originated from my family spirit. Whenever I know their origin, I can differentiate the bilateral expectation and each other’s limits. Therefore, I could continually service my client. Through the workplace, my family atmosphere and powerlessness are linked. I go back to my family and try to get close to them. If I could get out of the triangular relationship among my mom, dad and I, I will find peace and harmony in my family. Through the experience of narrative dilemma, it helps me to appreciate the value of narrative and gradually my subjectivity has been growing out. By the text I wrote, I get in touch with my feelings. Interacting with my clients, I am living with the usual survival attitude and getting to know myself more consciously. I also find out my family members' resistance to the gradual disintegration, and I have the courage to go home.


