  • 學位論文


A Study of the Policy Legitimation of the Act of the Government Employee Ethics Units and Officers in Taiwan, ROC

指導教授 : 顧慕晴


政風單位由安全單位與人事查核單位轉變而來,早期是為了肅清匪諜才加入政風調查,但是後來政風單位演變成我國各機關內部調查、反貪及防貪不可或缺的重要單位。其轉變歷史與台灣民主化的背景有很大關係,當初安全單位及人事查核單位都有承辦忠誠調查工作,造成監控機關內公務人員、打壓異己的形象,加上民國50年代白色恐怖的陰影,各種情治單位干預自由、違反人權、監控政府各部門的緣故,造成《政風機構人員設置條例》於合法化過程時時無法順利三讀通過。 本文透過立法院公報的文獻分析及深度訪談結果,發現其中原因主要仍是受到民主化影響,所以才在審議時有多處的討論與修改,當時立法院認為政府換湯不換藥只是為了提供人事查核單位法源依據而設立《政風機構人員設置條例》,所以立法院反對,但後來透過協商方式,對於政風單位的隸屬層級、設置場域、人員升遷問題等進行修改,才使法案成順利三讀通過。 然而民進黨因早期受到情治單位打壓,所以當時強烈反對政風單位設立,然而國民黨籍立法委員仍是當時多數,所以民進黨籍委員認為即使不能阻擋法案也至少要將法案修正,採取以戰逼和策略,避免將來有監控公務人員的情況發生。 本文研究建議,將來威權國家轉型為民主國家時,若有類似機關應立法予以法源依據,以展現民主國家依法行政精神,同時需刻意切除與情治單位的連結,表示該單位不可能再成為情治單位,另外,對於將來政風單位或廉政署有需要修改法條時,可以本文建議為參考,政風人員主要業務為防貪,所以不需要司法警察權,也不需要提升層級,而廉政署人員應完全由政風人員增補,最後希望成立由社會賢達組成的廉政委員會來監督政風單位及廉政署運作。 關鍵詞:政風機構、廉政、政策合法化、立法過程


The government employee ethics units by security units and personnel units, it evolved from the early elimination of the Chinese Communist Party into a supervised investigation today. It became an important organ of government conduct an internal investigation, anti-corruption and corruption prevention. It changes with Taiwan's democratization is closely related of the early investigation job security units and personnel units, resulting in adverse consequences to monitor and suppress dissidents. White Terror period of the 1960s, intervention freedom and human rights, the shadow almost let Bill Third Reading legalization process can’t be passed. In this paper, through the "Legislative Yuan Communique" literature analysis and in-depth interviews, it was drawn legalization process, the idea of the government’s position unchanged and the opposition in war strategy. the two sides to compromise, it will reduce the level, narrows the scope of promotion and personnel level, and finally to make Bill Third Reading smoothly. In this paper, the following policy suggestion, when the authoritarian state to be a democratic state, legislation similar institutions should be given a legal basis, practice the spirit of democracy, at the same time, it must be to be cut off with intelligence agencies. In addition, to provide future reference to AAC amending the law, AAC does not require judicial police power, nor need to upgrade the level, AAC staff should be fully complemented by the government employee ethics units. Finally, the government should by the community leaders formed the "Independent Committee", in order to supervise it. Key words: the government employee ethics units, AAC (Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice), Policy legalization, The legislative process


洪嘉文,2001,〈學校體育政策合法化之探討〉,《體育學報》32期:111 – 12
馬財專;孫澤弘,2011,〈台灣勞工退休金條例政策發展過程之研究-政策網絡的初步考察〉,《人文暨社會科學期刊》,7 :1-13。


