  • 學位論文


An Empirical Research on the Characteristics and Processes of Information and Communication Frauds

指導教授 : 許春金


本研究之目的在瞭解我國自2004年反詐騙行動以來,政府策定反詐騙犯罪多項策略目標,迄今非但未能有效達成,且該犯罪案件發生數量仍大幅攀升,嚴重衝擊社會治安,因此,實有必要深入探討研究,以找出問題的癥結所在,俾研擬具體可行對策,確實防堵詐騙集團之詭計,消弭民眾的恐懼感。 本研究採用質性研究以內容分析法為主軸,蒐集警察機關2006年至2009年所偵破移送之案件,並選取經地方法院檢察署或法院起訴、判決15件案例資料內容予以逐一分析,再輔以對該犯罪長期偵辦的警察人員4名、加害者1名等實施深度訪談法,再對照先前回顧的理論及文獻加以彙整分析,希冀能達成以下目的:一、深入瞭解目前資通訊詐欺犯罪的特性;二、分析犯罪者利用資通訊服務及工具犯罪原因;三、剖析詐騙集團犯罪的歷程、模式及被害人被害主因,藉以策定更有效防制對策。 本研究結果顯示詐騙集團利用資通訊科技之特性及漏洞,並透過資通訊業者提供之資通訊服務及工具從事詐欺行為,藉以規避警察機關的查緝;同時本研究也發現目前之資通訊詐欺犯罪詐騙手法與以往大同小異,以假冒電信費未繳為最大宗,其次為網路購物等為主要型態,只是利用資通訊科技傳播詐欺訊息管道稍有改變,顯示利用工具的方法具高度替代性;另政府相關單位、資通訊業者、金融業者及社會大眾對防制資通訊詐欺犯罪之能力與付出,顯然不足,仍有諸多缺失。 因此,本研究基於「預防重於治療」觀點,依據「公共醫療三級預防」模式,將所有影響該類犯罪的情境要素納入考量,提出可行的建議,以斷其來源、改變情境、強化宣導、終結車手、緝捕首腦,建構全方位的防制與宣導作為,期以更積極有效方式遏制詐騙歪風,防制資通訊詐欺犯罪之發生,以收宏效,並可作為國內日漸複雜的資通訊詐欺犯罪防制對策之參考。


The purpose of the study is to point out the compound anti-scam strategic goals, adopted by our government, have not yet been fully achieved. Since 2004, the police have carried out the act of anti-scam. However, the number of the crime continues rising steeply, which has caused a severe impact on the public security. It is urgent to do an in-depth study, find out the causes of the phenomenon, and then map out manifest or doable plans. Therefore, it can be successfully avert crimes to be committed, and also clear up the terror in the public. This is a qualitative study, mainly based on texts analysis. The data is collected from 2006 to 2009 solved cases. 15 cases are picked from which. They are verdicts by the district attorney or court indicts. Case by case, they are analyzed and compared to the theories and former case studies. In addition, four police officers and one victim are interviewed in order to induce: 1. a fully understanding of the characteristics of information and communication frauds. 2. an identification of the motives and equipments. 3. an analysis of the processes, the modes of the crime and the reasons to become a victim in relation to scam clan. All in all, it is hopeful to make better plans after the in-depth study. It has been found that the scam clan uses the special property of information and communication technology (ICT) and its loopholes to commit crimes with the services and equipments provided by ICT proprietors, which shuns the police investigations. It is also been found that the information and communication frauds are as cunning as they were before. Most of the cases are involved in fake telephone bills. Second most cases follow the mode, which is online shopping. It shows that the scam clan uses various equipments to carry out a fraud. In another words, the means to commit a fraud are highly replaceable. It also shows that the administration of law, ICT proprietors, the financial institution, and the public are lack of the awareness and ability to fight frauds. Therefore, this study based on the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pond of cure” and on “three-level prevention mode” of the public healthcare, and included all the circumstances and possible elements to provide plans. By providing manifest or doable plans, the sources of crimes are able to be cut out, the contexts could be changed, propagandas can be strengthened, the scam clans could be terminated, and the heads can be caught. Hopefully, the more efficient ways found in this study will stop information and communication frauds, and become the reference sources to domestic anti-scam strategy makers.


林宜隆、賴森堂,2003,〈ATM詐騙行為與防範措施之研 究〉。《2003年第七屆資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會論文集》,頁125-133。桃園:中央警察大學。
賴森堂、林宜隆,2003,〈ATM詐騙行為與防範措施之研究〉。《2003第七屆資訊管理學術暨警政資訊實務研討會論文集》,頁125 -133。桃園:中央警察大學。


