  • 學位論文


A Study on the Characteristics and Trajectories of Telecommunication Fraud Victimizations-with ATM the Relief Pay by Installments as An Example

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖 許春金


分析內政部警政署警察機關受(處)理刑事案件統計指標及該署刑事警察局官方統計數據顯示,財產性詐欺案件發生類別比例最高為拍賣(購物)詐欺,而拍賣(購物)詐欺犯罪中,又以民眾陷入「ATM解除分期付款」詐欺劇本之被害情形最為嚴重。為瞭解加害者與被害者間之交叉互動過程與影響被害者陷入被害情境因素,本研究目的如下: 一、利用官方資料分析ATM解除分期付款詐欺模式之被害特性,進行犯罪學理論之檢證。 二、採取個案研究方式,選取具代表性之ATM解除分期付款被害個案進行實地訪談,分析被害人特性、標的及歷程。 三、根據研究發現,提出防治建議。 本研究彙整日常活動理論、生活方式暴露理論、新機會理論,作為研究設計基礎。再以質性深入訪談法訪談多次匯款、高額財損的4名被害個案,輔以2個被害未遂個案,藉以分析被害者特性,瞭解被害歷程及被害者反應、認知與決定。研究發現如下: 一、ATM解除分期付款詐欺被騙型態為一歷程。 二、ATM解除分期付款詐欺犯罪與個人特性、金錢價值觀、防詐認識、ATM功能認知有關。 三、ATM解除分期付款詐欺犯罪類型與監督者缺席有關。 根據研究發現,無論過去如何加強犯罪預防宣導、強化金融防制詐騙措施、整合電信業者防阻詐欺犯罪及加強個資外洩的查緝,均難以確實有效遏制該類詐欺案件之發生。 研究建議:金融機構應在ATM操作字幕上,明確顯示「ATM解除分期付款就是詐欺」提醒民眾防詐、加強「異常轉帳即時通報機制」、在ATM上建制「人臉辨識」及「指紋靜脈辨識」系統防制贓款盜領,「宣導消費者使用政府立案之第三方支付平台」進行網路購物,確保網路交易安全。


Official data illustrates that a significant amount of SCAM cases occurs while Taiwanese trading goods on the internet. Moreover, among these trading-via-internet SCAM cases, a high proportion of Taiwanese are victimized in the forged context of lifting payment installments via ATM. To enrich academic understanding on the phenomenon of trading-via-internet SCAM in the forged context of lifting payment installments via ATM, three purposes are set for this study: 1) understanding victims’ general characters by analyzing official data and criminological theories, 2) specifying victims’ characters, process of victimization and targets of offending by in-depth interview method, 3) making a proposal against trading-via-internet SCAM in the forged context of lifting payment installments by ATM. By analyzing data collected by interviewing victims of both repeated-money-transfer and four high-money-loses on trading-via-internet SCAM cases in the forged context of lifting payment installments via ATM, findings can be illustrated as follow: 1) The victimization of trading-via-internet SCAM in the forged context of lifting payment installments via ATM is a kind of process. 2) The victimization of trading-via-internet SCAM in the forged context of lifting payment installments via ATM can be generally attributed to victims’ traits, an established value system concerning money, knowledge of anti-scam, and crime opportunities. 3) Occurrence of trading-via-internet SCAM in the forged context of lifting payment installments via ATM can be generally attributed to the absence of capable surveillance. Additionally, this study suggests that trading-via-internet Taiwanese should be encouraged to utilize ‘a third parity payment system’ to secure privacy without leaking personal data to offenders then prevention form SCAM crime can be expected.


