  • 學位論文


An Investigation on the Characteristics and the Influential Factors of Different Types of Corruption Among Public Servants

指導教授 : 許春金


本研究的目的在探究貪瀆犯罪相關議題如下:(一)防止貪瀆犯罪是當前我國政府重要的廉政政策,具有高度民意性及吸引性。(二)瞭解我國當前貪瀆犯罪現況和防制策略。(三)瞭解不同類型公務員貪瀆犯罪影響因素究竟受那些構面影響?(四)依據研究結論提出防制貪瀆犯罪之具體作法及建議。因此,本文將試圖以文獻內容分析法及問卷調查之量化分析法,除收集有關貪瀆犯罪之文獻理論解釋,官方統計報告資料外,並針對公務員貪瀆犯罪進行實證調查,以瞭解貪瀆犯罪的構成因素。 測量對象包括於97年6月在監服刑受刑人之入監罪名為刑法之瀆職罪、圖利罪或貪污治罪條例人數約為194人(含公務員及非公務人員),進行問卷調查。問卷內容主要包括以下五個部分:(一)貪瀆犯行者入監服刑前之公務員類型、(二)貪瀆受刑受測者之社會人口屬性分析、(三)貪瀆受刑受測者之自我控制因素分析、(四)貪瀆受刑受測者之機會因素分析、(五)其他犯罪資料之調查分析。經蒐集問卷完成後,使用SPSS套裝軟體進行資料輸入,透過1.次數分配2.卡方檢定3.關聯係數4.因素分析等統計方法進行分析,並比對貪瀆犯罪者犯罪成因、特徵認知的異同。 研究結果發現:(一)貪瀆犯行者從事貪瀆行為的主要手法為:「違背職務收受賄賂」、「利用職務上機會詐取財物」、「竊取或侵占公有財物」;而三類不同職務類型的主要手法雖然相似,但在「易滋弊端業務類型」從事貪瀆行為的手法係以「違背職務收受賄賂」為最多,而「非屬易滋弊端業務類型」、「其他」兩類人員卻以「利用職務上機會詐取財物」為最多。(二)貪瀆犯罪者有五成表示歸責於體制,其中歸責於「不熟悉法令規定」、「習以為常利用職務上的機會犯罪」有關行政法制方面,亦占近三成比例。(三)結構因素中之「性別」、「教育程度」、「前科記錄」等屬性對貪瀆犯罪職務類型具有顯著性影響。(四) 「違法行為控制程度」與「法律威嚇程度」對易滋弊端業務類型貪瀆犯罪人未具實質效益,應加強公務員個人恥感程度與社會道德意識。(五) 於生活違常的公務員,主管應注意其經辦業務有無疏漏或藉機進行貪瀆不法行為之可能性,加強業務行政稽核與控管措施。 綜合上述研究發現與現階段反貪政策的觀點,分別就行政、立法及司法三方面,提出當前貪瀆犯罪的防制作為與建議。 (一) 行政面:1.擴大廉政反貪宣導,加強和公職人員、民間溝通釋疑、2.發揮政風機構防貪肅貪功能,建立反貪去腐效益、3.建立易滋弊端業務稽核制度,防範缺失弊端造成貪瀆或浪費、4.易滋弊端工作環境落實實施職期輪調、強制休假及代理人制度、5.陽光諸法落實監督,高層主官(管)、民意代表以身作則。(二)立法面:1.賡續推動執行陽光法案,建構防貪網絡、2.設置廉政部門,落實防貪肅貪政策、3.健全完整法令制度,使公務員勇於任事。(三)司法面:1.提高貪瀆案件之司法定罪率、2.成立專業肅貪法庭、3.加重行賄者之制裁, 以消除行賄現象、4.強化司法機關追訴能力。


公務員 貪瀆犯罪 廉政 陽光法案


The purpose of this study is to investigate issues relating to corruption among public servants: (1)Incorruption policy is a key policy of our current government. It has drawn a high degree of public attention. (2)Overview of the current situation of corruption and its preventative strategies. (3)Understand what the aspects are to affect different types of corruption among public servants. (4)Based on the conclusion drawn from the current investigation, ways and suggestions of anti-corruption are proposed. Besides collecting relevant case studies and official statistical database as well as conducting field investigations, this study attempts to use the analysis of previous studies and surveying quantitative method in order to understand the composition of corruption. The 194 investigated subjects (including public servants and non-public servants) who were inmates accused of malpractice, benefit others or corruption during the time of June, 2008 undertook the questionnaire type survey. The content includes the following five aspects: types of public service undertaken, social categories, self-control factor analysis, opportunity factor analysis and other references. The statistical method of SPSS software was used to cross-reference (1) time allocation (2) chi-square distribution (3) related coefficient (4) factor analysis of the collected data to analyze the factors of corruption formation as well as the sameness and similarities of the characteristics recognition. The findings are as follows: (1) Major means of corruption include accepting bribery, defraud, and stealing or taking public property and money illegally. (2) About half of the criminals of corruption attributed their crime to the system; there were thirty percent of them claimed either that they were not familiar with the rules or that they were accustomed to opportunity crime on duty. (3) Factors influence the result significantly are sex, degree of education, and previous convictions, etc… (4) Degree of illegally behavioral control and degree of law threat do not take actual effect. Instead individual sense of shame and societal ethical consciousness of public servants ought to be strengthened. (5) For the public servants who tend to show misconduct, supervisors should reinforce administrative audit in order to check the accuracy of their work and pay more attention to the possibilities of illegal behaviors, which may lead to corruption in the end. To conclude the research findings and the viewpoint of the current incorruption policy, strategies of prevention and suggestions regarding current corruption are proposed in respective of administration, legislation and judicature: (1) Administration: [a] To propagate incorruption and strengthen communication as well as to eliminate doubts between public servants and the public. [b] Organizational incorruption functions are to be established [c] To establish audit system to prevent corruption and over-expenditure [d] For pro-corrupt official institutions, duty alteration, absence from duty and application of proxy should be strongly implemented [e] Sunshine Law should be put into effect from executive level to people’s representatives (2) Legislation: [a] To continue put Sunshine Law into effect and establish incorruption network. [b] To establish incorruption department and implement incorruption policy [c] To establish complete judicial system so that public servants are willing to enforce the law without hesitation. (3) Judicature: [a] Raise the ratio of convicting the guilty people of corruption. [b] Establish professional corruption law court. [c] Increase punishment to eliminate bribery phenomenon. [d] Reinforce judicature power to prosecute.


A.Adler.1932.What Life Should Mean to You. London. p.8.


