  • 學位論文


The Research of Police Corruption-A Case Studies of the Taipei City and the Taipei County Police Bureau

指導教授 : 黃富源
共同指導教授 : 侯崇文(Chung-Wen Hou)


由於近年來在為數眾多的公務員貪污案件中,有關警察人員貪污案件的負面報導層出不窮。雖然,貪污犯罪的警察人員只佔了全體警人員的一小部分,但卻抹煞了警察在維護治安方面所作的貢獻,嚴重破壞警察形象。因此,影響警察人員貪污犯罪的因素、成因及其互動歷程,乃為本研究所欲探討分析的重點。 本研究之主要目的如下:一、由個案研究,就外在環境因素、內在控制因素、社會控制因素、機會因素、生活負因、組織因素等六個面向探討、分析警察人員貪污犯罪成因、犯罪手法及態樣。二、藉由六個面向探討、分析所得之警察人員貪污犯罪成因、犯罪手法及態樣,加以分析、歸納比較,並配合個人結構因素分析,以期發現警察人員貪污犯罪行為之相關主、次要影響因素、成因及歷程。三、藉由本研究發現之警察人員貪污犯罪行為之主、次要影響因素、成因及歷程,提供防範警察人員貪污犯罪行為的相關建議、做法,以供未來行政階層決策之參考。而本研究以個案研究法為主要研究方法,並輔以文獻探討法。本研究之個案選取方式,乃依本研究針對警察人員貪污犯罪現況分析結果(統計期間:93年1月至98年1月),選取因貪污犯罪被移送起訴人數最多的臺北縣政府警察局(占32%)及臺北市政府警察局(占6%)為個案研究對象,並以臺北縣、市政府警察局暨所屬分局中與砂石業、電玩業、聲色場所有關之員警集體貪污弊案之涉案員警為個案研究分析對象。而本個案研究則以台灣板橋地方法院起訴書與判決書、臺灣高等法院判決書、監察院糾正及彈劾案文、監察院調查報告為基礎資料,藉由個案研究分析,以探究瞭解影響警察人員貪污犯罪的相關因素、成因,以及警察人員貪污犯罪之態樣、歷程。 綜合本個案研究結果發現:一、警察人員貪污犯罪受到個人品質差、外在控制差、動力因素、組織因素等主要因素、個人學識涵養差等9項次級因素及工作環境誘因等26項成因所影響。二、警察人員貪污犯罪高風險年齡區間介於31歲至35歲之間,並以擔任警佐三階至警正四階之警(隊)員職務所佔比例最高。三、在警察人員貪污犯罪態樣方面,則有以利用查察、取締、告發之職權收受賄賂等8類。四、警察人員貪污犯罪存在著進程,可區分前後期階段發展關係,其發展歷程分別為靜態發展期、萌生期、轉化期、強化期及實現期等5個階段。五、由員警轉賄之集體貪污案件常形成金字塔型共犯結構。六、在轄區警察機關中兼任總務職務之員警常為違法業者首要接觸之對象對象。七、員警由於「揩油」心態而接受商家業者免費招待之不當飲宴,亦屬收受不正利益之貪污行為。八、業者行賄員警之方式琳瑯滿目並常巧藉各種名義行賄賂之實。九、由於主管層級領導統御能力弱化以致未能有效遏制員警貪污案件發生。 研究建議:一、政策面:推動全民及大眾傳播媒體共同監督。二、預防面:(一)全面檢討警察人員招生考試(二)落實辦理員警在職訓練並強化政風宣導、道德及法紀教育(三)定期辦理幹部之教育訓練以強化主官(管)領導統御能力(四)灌輸督察人員顧客導向的服務觀念以強化督察系統功能(五)全面建立並落實勤務觀測制度(六)加強風紀情報佈建(七)落實員警定期輪調制度(八)積極清查轄區內風紀誘因場所。三、矯治處遇面:(一)落實員警督導考核並適時輔導關懷(二)持續落實並強化靖紀專案執行。藉由上述建議,期盼對防制警察人員貪污犯罪方面有所助益,並提供行政階層未來決策之參考。


警察 貪污 警察職務犯罪


There are endless negative reports regarding police’s corruption scandals in recent years. Although the number of officers involving corruption is relatively small, it denies the police’s achievements in public security, and ruins their public image. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the causes, factors, and procedures of police’s corruptions. The main purposes of this thesis are: first, to discuss the classification, cause and procedure of police corruption by summarizing the methods, factors (conditions), targets and other influential factors through case studies. Secondly, to explore the main cause and stages of police corruptionthrough the finding from the above discussions. Thirdly, to provide suggestions, potential methods of preventing poice corruptionthrough the summaries of the above explorations. The research method of this thesis is based on case study. The subjects selected are corruption cases from the police bureaus that have the most officers been accused according to ‘the Analysis of Corruptions of the Police (Jan. 2004 to Jan. 2009), including Taipei County Police Bureau (32%) and Taipei City Police Bureau (6%). The subjects are police officers involved with corruptions relates to mining, porn and gaming industries in the two Bureaus. The thesis, which is based on indictments of Taiwan Banciao District Court and Taiwan High Court, impeachment reports and reasearch studies by Control Yuan, discusses the factors, causes, patterns, and proceduresof the subjects. The findings of this thesis are corruptions are influenced by personal integrity, self-control, motivation, organization, and 26 other factors. Secondly, there is a high proportion of corruptions which are committed by officers in the age of 31 to 35 and lower ranked officers. Thirdly, the patterns can be summarized into eight categories, Including corruptions that relate inspection, law enforcing, prosecution, et cetera. Fourthly, the procedure of a corruption in the police has two stages, and can be further divided into five sub stages, including initial, growing, evolving, strengthen, achieving stage. Fifthly, group corruptions in the police are usually in a pyramid-shaped accomplice organization. Sixthly, the first person that briber tries to contact is usually the officer in charge of the finance in the local police office. Seventhly, improper treats from the bribers are corruptions. Eighthly, the way that briberies are various. Ninthly, corruptions are not effectively prevented due to the weakness of the leadership in supervisors in the police. The suggestions in the thesis are as below: Policy: centralization of budget, co-supervision from the public and the media. Prevention: an full inspection of the police recruitment, vocational training in law, integrity, and discipline, training in leadership for the administration, training customer-oriented service for the internal affairs department, the development of duty inspection system, strengthen the development of discipline related information, enhance turnover rate, rotation of positions, restrict vice eastablishments. Correciton: implementation of examinations of officers, an continuous implementation of discipline enhancement project. These suggestions are expected to have positive influence on police corruption prevention, and could be advices for the administration.


police corruption police occupational crime


蔡墩銘,1982<警察貪瀆問題之研究>。《國立臺灣大學法學論叢》12:1, p38。臺北:國立臺灣大學。


