  • 學位論文


Good or Evil:A study of crucial factors between Jai-Jiang and juvenile deviant behavior

指導教授 : 黃富源


臺灣民間信仰的廟會活動當中最吸引大眾目光的就是家將的演出,但另一方面提及家將少年 時,多數的人第一個反應似乎總會與中輟生、幫派與毒品做一連結,不諱言確實有此現象,但是否 真的只有負面?因此,本研究想要探討的是少年參與家將團的一個歷程分析與其在偏差行為出現的 關鍵契機為何。 本研究的目的如下: 一、探討少年參與家將團的動機與歷程,整理出陣團組織特性與家將少年之間是否為偏差行為的促發劑,而決定其是否會從事非行行為的關鍵因素為何。 二、探討家將團的組織管理方式,對青少年有何影響。 三、藉由對家將少年參與將團的歷程分析與瞭解,改善少年參與家將所帶來的負面標籤,與相關單位處理參與家將團少年的偏差行為的因應之道。 本研究是從家將少年的家庭條件、將團影響及學校經驗作一分析與探討家將少年偏差行為產生 與否的關鍵,研究方法採取質性研究中的紮根理論研究法,以訪談為主,並採取半結構式訪談,透 由工作場域認識的學校老師與社工介紹受訪者,以及研究者自己所認識的家將少年進行立意抽樣進 行訪談,再透由滾雪球方式找尋其他受訪者,直到訪談達到飽和狀態,總共訪談14名人員,11位 家將少年、1名團長、1名家長及1名警察。透由訪談資料的收集與分析後,將其研究發現整理如 下:一、少年參與家將團的動機與歷程:(一)家庭條件因素不佳的催化。(二)少年難以抗拒同儕 、朋友的互相牽引。(三)家將團為沒有競爭的團體。(四)學業成就低落導致負面的學校經驗。二 、少年偏差行為產生與否的關鍵因素:(一)家庭對子女的無力管教。(二)家長已身對偏差行為的 錯誤認知。(三)頭人的素質與經營方式。(四)學校的不接納。 研究最後提出以下幾點建議:一、家庭功能的重視。(一)溫暖家庭氣氛的塑造。(二)親職教育的強化。二、將團的管理:(一)政府單位應加強管理各地方區域性的陣頭社團與會館。(二)將團對少年偏差行為認知的修正。三、學校的因應作為:(一)教育人員對學生參與陣頭觀點的再進化。(二)以愛為出發點、關懷為本的教育理念。四、減少社會大眾的標籤。 關鍵字:家將少年、偏差行為、將團


家將少年 偏差行為 將團


Among Taiwan folk belief activity, the Jiang Group performance attracts the most attention in Religious Festival. However, when mentioning about the Jai-Jiang Youth, most of people will link to students who dropout from school, gang or drug. It may be right in some points, however, I am interested in alternative perspectives to understand their experiences. The main purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze the progress of juveniles’ participation in Jiang Group and the key point that leads to their behavior deviation. The purposes of the research are: 1. To study the motivation and progress of juveniles who join in Jiang Group. To investigate the relationships between the characteristics of Jiang Group organization and the behavior deviation of the Jai-Jiang Youth. 2. To explore how the management strategies of Jiang Group organization influence the juveniles in the group . 3.To improve the negative impression of the community and provide suggestions for relative agents based on the analysis and results of this research. This research intends to explore if the family background, the influences of Jiang Group, and the school experience of Jai-Jiang Youth are the main factors that cause their deviant behaviors. Qualitative methods such as Grounded Theory and semi-structured interview are adapted in this research. Fourteen interviewees, eleven Jai-Jiang Youths, one Jai-Jiang Group leader, one parent and one policeman, were recruited from various sources. A strategy of snow-ball was also used when recruiting interviewees. The results of the research are: A. The reasons of the juveniles to join Jiang Group include: (a.) the catalysis of poor family condition. (b.) the irresistible traction of peers and friends. (c.) Jai-Jiang Group had no other competitor. (d.) their poor academic achievements led to negative school experiences. B. The main factors that influence juvenile deviant behavior include: (a.) the families were incapable to discipline their children (b.) parents’ misunderstanding of deviant behaviors. (c.) the quality of Jiang Group and the management methods. (d.) the youth were exlused by their school. The research addresses following suggestions: A. The suggestions for families: stragies that acknowledges family function can be conducted, such as building up a warm family atmosphere; and enhacing parents’ understandings. B. The importance of management of Jiang Group: (a.) the government should strengthen the management of local Parade Formation groups and club houses. (b.) Amending the comprehension of Jiang Group and Jai-Jiang Youth deviant behavior. C. The suggestions for the schools, such as increasing staff’s understadings about the students who participate in Parade Formation; and the educational philosophy should be based on love and care. D. The importance to reduce the negative labeling of Jai-Jiang Youth held by others. Keywords: Jai-Jiang youth、deviant behavior、Jiang group


Jai-Jiang youth deviant behavior Jiang group


陳育含譯,Steinar Kvale著,2010,《訪談研究法(Doing interviews)》。臺北:韋伯文化。


黃麗慎(2013)。「九天將團」經驗 - 另類的少年安置輔導處遇〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-0407201316221000
