  • 學位論文

死刑定讞受刑人在看守所生活適應 以台灣台北看守所為例

The Adjustment of Inmates in Death Row in Taipei Detention Center

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


我國目前前死刑定讞之受刑人有44名尚未執行,而在未廢除死刑之刑罰前,這一群死刑犯只能在看守所等待,他們除了須面臨一般收容人監禁的痛苦外, 更要面對明日可能執行的壓力。 本研究是以死刑待執行之受刑人的生活適應,藉由對死刑定讞的受刑人深度訪談,得以瞭解死刑受刑人個人成長背景,及面對死刑宣判的情形下,如何調適現在的生活,將以探討死刑受刑人之個人特質、心理感受、身體狀況、社會支持、對管理方法的認知及對管理人員和同學相處感受,經交互作用後對其生活適應的影響。 本研究結果發現:1、維持每日穩定的生活作息是度過等待執行的最佳方式。2、在舍房內對於聽從管理人員與同學互動方式都以和睦相處方式,不影響他人為原則。3、對於外界的事情並不在意,關心的是生活中的每一件事。4、每一位死刑受刑人面對壓力都有不同的解壓方式,但已不違反規定為原則。5、承認罪行的死刑受刑人會想對被害者道歉。6、死刑受刑人對於司法普便不滿,不願意以終身監禁替代。7、宗教信仰與家人是支持死刑受刑人面對未來的重要力量。 本研究建議:1、落實生活檢討會的功能。2、訓練管理人員了解死刑受刑人之心境。3、教化輔導課程多元化。4、強化輔導人員師資。5、規劃合適的作業。


As of December 2010, there were 44 unexecuted inmates on death row in Taiwan. Before the abatement of the death sentence, these inmates not only would face the distress in detention but also should endure the pressure of execution in the unpredictable future of life in death row. The study’s emphasis was on the adjustment of inmates in death row before execution, and was undertaken by way of interviews with the death penalty inmates. Discussion and analysis focused upon personal characteristics, the psychological world, the physical condition, acceptance of community support, and relationships with prison management and fellow inmates in death row. The present research found that the adaptation of these inmates on death row relies on developing and maintaining a daily routine, keeping harmonious relationships with other inmates and staff, cooperating and compromising with the prison regulations, obtaining forgiveness from the victim’s family, and religious and family support. It also seems that inmates on death row take daily trivial matters seriously and perceived a great deal of injustice in the operation of courts and sentences. The study suggests that in order to reduce the ordeal of these inmates waiting on the death row, that correction officer training needs to focus upon interpersonal skills/sensitivity and skillful communication when managing these inmates. Greater family, social and psychological support should also be provided to these inmates to ease their stress. Engagement of some on-site work might also help these inmates to better use their time in prison.


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