  • 學位論文


A study on the visual landscape of historic streets after restoration - the Case of Sansia Min-Chuan Old Street

指導教授 : 王世燁


台灣古蹟保存向來只著重在建築物個體,並無區域性的整體考量以至於難以塑造環境整體氛圍、重塑屬於該地區之環境特色以及其風格,修復時仍停留在歷史建築物保存與表面的裝飾。對於生活方式、周遭環境結構及其氛圍難以展現其獨特之處,修復後甚至是因為疏於維護造成整個視覺景觀很不協調,使得原有的風貌漸漸消失。 而本研究案例三峽民權老街,是在1991年十月地方居民的要求下被內政部指定為三級古蹟,成為台灣第一個市街型的古蹟。然而在保存過程並非如此順利,其經過居民抗爭、解除古蹟指定到居民參與街區歷史風貌保存等階段,最後於2007年二月整修完工揭牌啟用典禮,其歷史街區街區保存受到各界的注意極具研究價值。然而一條好的歷史街道,其街道景觀及周邊地區是要能被地方居民自身認同進而達到共同維護之目標;再者則是能在觀光客心目中留下深刻的記憶。 目前尚無三峽民權老街修復後之視覺景觀相關研究,而本研究則是將視覺景觀分成三個層面,包含環境視覺層面、建築主體視覺層面、都市設計之天際線視覺層面,並藉由現況調查去發現目前三峽民權老街視覺景觀之問題所在,再將這些問題利用問卷調查,以分析「當地居民」及「觀光客」對老街視覺景觀之感受及偏好。由問卷調查之數據可發現,受試者之居住時間、有無受過美學訓練顯然地會影響他們在填寫問卷之看法,其餘在受試者之特性上並無顯著之影響;再者大部分街道使用者對於三峽老街內的小巷子環境及三峽老街內夾雜現代化建築物,此兩個問題選項之平均數略顯偏低,表示街道使用者對於此兩種環境現況其接受程度較低,就整體而言當地居民之平均數均比觀光客偏低。經由民意問卷調查之數據參考後,本文將針對歷史街區修復後面臨之問題,從規劃設計層面、法令政策層面及使用者層面加以探討並提出解決對策,尋求問題之原點謀求解決之道。


Usually, Taiwan historical relic preservation only emphasized on the rebuilt of the building itself, but did not consider the area as a whole. Therefore, it was difficult to have an overall atmosphere, and difficult to re-establish the area’s environmental features and characteristics. During the historic restoration process, it was stuck in the stage of preserving the historic building and having surface decoration. However, the uniqueness of the area’s lifestyle, environmental structure, and atmosphere could hardly be displayed. Even after historic restoration, the overall visual landscape may look inharmonious due to the lack of maintenance, causing the disappearance of the original features. In this research, we have the case study of Sansia Min-Chuan old street. In October 1991, the local residents made a request, and the old street was designated by the Ministry of Interior to be a 3rd class historical relic site. Therefore, it became the first street-type historical relic site in Taiwan. Nevertheless, the preservation process did not go well. In the process, it went through the residents’ protest, the dissolving of historical relic site designation, and the stage of residents’ participation in the historic street preservation. At last, in February 2007, the restoration was officially done, and an opening ceremony was held. The historic street preservation drew the attention of various fields, and it was worthy of study. As for a good historic street, its street appearance and its neighborhood should have the identity of the local residents, thus achieving the goal of working on maintenance together. In addition, it could leave a deep impression in the tourists’ hearts. Presently there were no researches on the visual landscape of Sansia Min-Chuan old street after restoration. This research separated the visual landscape into three aspects, including the visual environment, the visual effects of overall building, and the urban skyline design. Through the investigation of current situation, this research tried to discover the problems of Sansia Min-Chuan old street’s visual landscape. Furthermore, we utilized questionnaires to analyze how the local residents and tourists felt about the old street’s visual landscape, as well as their preferences. The result of analysis can give some advices about restorating old streets for other studies in the future. From the questionnaire data we discovered that some factors would significantly influence the subjects’ opinions, including the residential period of time and whether or not the subject had received any aesthetics trainings. Other factors of the subjects’ characteristics did not have significant influences. n addition, regarding the lane environment of historic streets and the combination of old buildings and modern buildings in the historic streets, the means of these two items were slightly low. This indicated that the pedestrians had lower acceptance on these two situations. As a whole, the mean of the local residents was lower than the mean of the tourists. The questionnaire data would serve as our references. This article aimed at the issues that the historic streets would face after restoration. We would discuss this from several aspects, including planning and design, laws and regulations, and the perspectives of pedestrians. Solutions would be proposed in hope of solving the root problems.


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