  • 學位論文


An Institutional Analysis of Self-governance for the Rural Regeneration Plan : A Case Study of Nanpu Village in Beipu Township in Hsinchu County

指導教授 : 曾明遜


目前台灣農村社會因隨著時代演進而存在許多問題,為達成有關於促進農村再生的政策目標,政府便於2010年通過了「農村再生條例」。農村再生條例有別以往科層式與私有化的治理架構,主要是透過農村居民「由下而上」地推動農村再生計畫。由於農村資源具備共享性資源(Common Pool Resources)的特性,因此透過由下而上的自主治理架構推動再生計畫將可以減少失靈的現象並且促進資源的永續發展。然而社區自主治理屬於集體選擇行動的一種,在集體選擇的制度環境之中,集體行動既可滿足個人利益也可以滿足集體利益,但因為資訊的不完全,常會使個人利益與集體利益產生衝突,因此在有限理性情況下的個人可能產生違規或者是搭便車(Free Rider)等破壞規則的情形,進而造成公地悲劇。 本研究主要將「農村再生計畫」視為由「農村再生條例」與「社區集體選擇」構成的制度選擇環境下所制訂出的操作規則,並且利用這個架構,進行探討該如何在這個制度環境之中,由農村居民由下而上制定農村再生計畫?如何促進個人選擇支持再生計畫的執行?以及農村再生條例該提供什麼樣的輔助給農民?等問題。為了能夠客觀的分析在上述問題並且對農村再生條例提出改進的建議,主要是藉由實證個案-新竹縣北埔鄉南埔村的研究,來了解農村再生計畫的制定與執行過程,並就實證社區的運作與農村再生條例之相關內容相結合,運用Ostrom(1990)的自主治理研究架架與其所歸納的自主治理規則設計原則,進行集體選擇、個人制度選擇,與計畫永續性的分析與檢討;並且配合North(1990)制度變遷理論,探討在農業制度變遷的歷史路徑下,農民的意識形態與農村資源利用形式的轉變,以做為分析集體選擇與個人選擇之基礎。 藉由上述的理論針對農村再生條例進行制度分析與個案運作現況的探討所得到的結論,本研究主要是建議農村再生條例與相關辦法的內容應該注意到制度變遷的歷史路徑對農民政策參與意願以及能力的影響,並且應該透過教育與建立原則性規範來降低個人有限理性、保障居民參與權利、建立監督與制裁機制以及促進再生計畫得以符合在地資源特色與文化,進而建立良好的制度選擇環境。


The rural areas in Taiwan face some problems influenced by global economy. In order to get the targets promoting the environmental quality and agricultural development of rural regeneration, government has facilitated the adoption of "Rural Regeneration Act". The regulation is different from that based on traditional governance mode. The main way is “bottom-up” of rural residents. As the rural resources have the feature of Common Pool Resources, so a bottom-up self-governance framework through the will reduce the failure phenomenon and promote sustainable development of resources. However, community self-governance is also a kind of collective choices. In an institutional environment of collective choices, collective action can satisfy both interest of individual and public while creating conflicts between individual and collective interests due to the deficient information. That’s why community self-governance can not only enhance the efficiency of rural regeneration but also come out some problems like free rider and institution failure. And then it will make the tragedy of commons happen. In this study, the "Rural Regeneration Plan" was developed by the institution environment of "Rural Regeneration Bill" and "community collective choice", and take advantage of this architecture, to explore how the regeneration plan is truly from the bottom-up development of the rural resident? And how to promote individual choice to support the implementation of regeneration plan ? And what can Rural Regeneration Act provide for the rural resident? To be able to objectively analyze these issues and apply some suggestions to improve Rural Regeneration Act, through case study of Nanpu Village in Beipu Township in Hsinchu County to understand the formulation and implementation process of rural regeneration plan. And then we will analysis the case and Rural Regeneration Act by self-governance research framework and eight design principles are made by Ostrom (1990); and with the North (1990) theory of institutional change, to explore the influences of historical path of institutional change on agriculture, farmers and rural resource use as the basis for collective choice and individual choice. By the conclusions of this study is suggest that Rural Regeneration Act and related regulations should be noted the historical path of institutional change ,influence farmers' willingness and ability , and should through education and establishing principles and standards to reduce the limited rationality of individuals ,protect the rights of residents to participate in the establishment of monitoring and sanctions mechanisms, and promote regeneration plan to meet the characteristics of local resources and culture .


12. 行政院農委會農業統計要覽線上查詢
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