  • 學位論文


Party use or use in boring moments? The situational meaning for juveniles of using Ketamine

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


依據行政院衛生福利部的統計,少年濫用藥物的比例是呈大幅度上升,其中三級毒品K他命已經取代搖頭丸成為少年用藥的首選。國內大部分研究將焦點放在少年施用之成因上,本研究探討在不同情境中施用K他命對於少年的意義。藉由分析少年施用行為模式,了解施用K他命存在於少年心中的價值。本研究將施用情境分為集體、個別及互換情境,並輔以次文化理論、一般化緊張理論、犯罪吸引力理論及情境分析論來解釋此三種現象。 本研究針對某少年矯正機構81位學生進行問卷調查施用K他命之用藥史、情境轉換史。研究發現如下: 受試者中有施用K它命行為約占七成九。初次接觸九成四由朋友提供。初次施用的情境約有九成五是集體進行。後續施用以選擇平均參與個別與集體情境的人數較多。選擇於個別情境施用占少數。集體情境施用K它命多發生「在朋友家中」,個別則多發生在「自己家中」。 除問卷調查外,本研究從問卷中抽出施用K他命經驗少年按情境分三組(較常獨自使用者,較常集體使用者,個別與集體平均交錯使用者),每組各抽出兩名做半結構式深度訪談。訪談結果發現:少年個別使用K他命的意義在於「習慣、無聊」,施用K他命因為可以帶給少年較高之刺激快感,已取代其它可打發時間的休閒活動若為集體使用K他命,當少年與施用K他命之次文化團體接觸時,會學習其價值觀及行為,將施用K他命視為一種獲得認同的儀式進行。 本研究提出四項建議:一、目前司法及醫療的模式效果有限,少年拉K問題持續攀升 二、同理少年的階段性任務,使其能有完整的發展 三、協助雙失少年之挫敗問題,提供良好的支持系統 四、私人場域施用毒品之防堵。


According to the statistics of Executive Yuan Ministry of Health and Welfare, there is an increasing proportion in the juvenile abuse of illicit drugs, among which Ketamine has replaced ecstasy become the priority choice of juvenile drug. Most of the civil researches focus on the causes of juvenile using, while this study discussing the significance of juvenile using Ketamine in different situations. By analyzing the application behavior pattern of juveniles, to understand theirs value in using Ketamine. This study will use different situations of collective, individual and exchange, supplemented by Subculture Theory, General Strain Theory, Theory of Criminal Appeal and Situational Analysis Theory to explain the three phenomenons. This research aimed at 81 students in one juvenile correction institution to conduct the questionnaire survey on their using illicit drugs histories and histories of situation transformation. Major findings are summarized as follows: there is about seventy-nine percent of surveyed students use Ketamine. In the initial contact, there is ninety-four percent provided by a friend. In the situation of first using takes about ninety-five percent is collective. It occupies a greater number of subsequent using by participating in exchanging in individual and collective. Only minority of students choose to use individually in their subsequent using.Collective situation using Ketamine more happens "in a friend’s home", while more of the individual happens in "home". In addition to the questionnaire survey, this study chose the juveniles from the questionnaire who have the experience of using Ketamine, and divided them into three groups according to the situations of more often using in individual situatio, more often using in collective situation and individual situation and collective situation average . Next to choose two juveniles in each group to conduct semi-structured interview. From the interview found that: the significance of juvenile individual using Ketamine is "habit and bored", as using Ketamine can bring them great stimulation of pleasure, so that to replace other leisure activities. For party using Ketamine, when juvenile is contacting with the subculture, he will learn the value and behavior, and regard as being gained group identification. This study puts forward four suggestions: firstly, the limitation of justice and medical pattern effect, the problems of juveniles using Ketamine are continued to rise. Secondly, develop the periodic task of juveniles to make it achieve the full development. Thirdly, provide a good support system in helping to solve frustrating problem of double-loss juveniles. Fourth, attempt to prevent using drugs in private places.


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