  • 學位論文


An analytical study of the impact of free agency on baseball players' performance and wage contract

指導教授 : 邱士宗


本研究主要是在探討自由球員制度的出現對於球員績效與球團提供契約之影響,先前之研究大多是以實證方式來進行研究新制度出現後,職業運動選手與球團之間的情況改變,而實證研究限制於僅能就可取得資料的數據進行分析與探討,無法觀察到更多數據之外也值得我們去討論的影響因素,例如:心理、動機、誘因等。故本研究導入賽局理論來做為研究之方法,希望藉由賽局理論能夠觀察賽局中互動與策略特性,找出在賽局完美均衡之下球員與球團因應各種不同的情況會如何選擇與互動。 在研究設計的部分分為兩大情境,根據不同情況,分別設計保留條款制度與自由球員制度之賽局樹,以反應球員在不同制度下之真實狀況而從中討論其所帶來之改變。此外在自由球員制度下之賽局樹並加入球員獲球團之長期合約與短期合約之選擇,探討在兩合約之選擇時球團與球員不同的考量。 就研究賽局結果導出以下結論,在兩制度下基於職棒球員環境的改變,在新制度下經過自由市場的競爭關係,球員的選擇大幅放寬,使優秀的球員在此情況下薪資較能反應應有之價值,對球員來說公平許多。在自由球員制度長短約的選擇下,推論發現球員若在身心狀況良好狀況下可能會選擇短期合約而提早在市場中反應更高的身價;而球團會基於球員的年齡判斷球員努力成本決定合約期間的長短。


The purpose of this thesis is to study the effects of which contracts on the incentives of the professional baseball players under various systems. Before the free agent system was established, the ball club only provided yearly contracts to players. At that time, players were treated by an unfair regulation called Reserve Clause. I suppose there are different kinds of contracts available under the two systems. On the other hand, the players will choose the effort level to maximize his utility. According to the contracts they face, the ball club will select the contract which brings them the largest profit. Considering the player’s best response on the various contracts. The main conclusion is that the establishment of the Free agent system can raise plays, compensation significantly. Besides, the contract chosen by the ball clubs also depend on other factors such as players’ age.




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