  • 學位論文


Design of Brushless DC Motor Drive Using Digital Signal Processor

指導教授 : 陳添智


本文提出以TMS320LF2407數位信號處理器(DSP)晶片來實現無刷直流馬達驅動系統之設計控制。使用TMS320LF2407晶片,配合C語言撰寫的控制法則,非常有利於實現無刷直流馬達驅動器之設計。傳統直流馬達(DC Motor)驅動控制很容易,所以直流馬達驅動系統非常受到業界們的歡迎。然而直流馬達還是一直無法去避免碳刷週期性之損耗、維護作業頻繁、與低效率等缺點。近年來,因電子技術和微處理機的進步,使得無碳刷損耗、不需經常維護、高效率、控制更加容易之無刷直流馬達(Brushless DC Motor),逐漸取代傳統直流馬達。而使用微處理機作為控制核心,其缺點為設計過程繁複且無較高的計算速度與強大的週邊I/O功能來支援精密的數值運算。TMS320LF2407數位信號處理器晶片則在控制速度上與數學運算硬體上,提供難以被取代的優勢。




In this paper, the TMS320LF2407 digital signal processing chip is used to implement brushless DC motor drive. Based on the high performance of the TMS320LF2407 chip, it is easy to apply the control law to the brushless DC motor drive by C language programming. Due to the easy controllability of traditional DC motor, it becomes the more popular in the early electric machinery industry. The fundamental disadvantages of the DC motor include carbon-brush abrasion, frequent maintenance procedures, and low efficiency, and keep boring all users. Recently, by virtue of rapid progress of electric machinery technique, a kind of brushless DC motor has been developed. The brushless DC motor need not frequent maintenance procedures, avoids carbon-brush abrasion, and experiences high efficiency, and then takes place of the traditional DC motor in electric machinery industry. In spite of the economic advantage of microprocessor, its’ performance is not sufficient for the brushless DC motor drive due to complex programming and weak supporting IO interfaces. With high performance calculation hardware, strong I/O interfaces and high CPU speed, the TMS320LF2407DSP chip becomes the dominant control core of the brushless DC motor drive.


DC Motor


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