  • 學位論文


Mechanical Platform of Vehicle Assist Illuminator

指導教授 : 李廣齊


本文主要的研究方向是要模擬偵測車輛轉彎之離心力感測裝置,可以分為離心力與傾斜度感測裝置設計及並配置一機械式感測器,用以模擬獲得當汽車行進間轉向時所產生的離心力角度,利用離心力轉向感測原理時,並建立傾斜與彎向感測器對輔助照明補光時間關係轉向角度越大,表示所造成的離心力越大,照明補光時間則越短。 根據車身傾斜角度進行輔助光角度模型計算車輛轉彎角速度與爬坡傾鈄度,輔助光角度的模型推導,自動調整近光燈的照射中心角度。藉以自動控制輔助燈之明滅狀態


The main research direction of this paper is to simulate the detection of vehicles turning of the centrifugal force sensing device, can be divided into centrifugal force and Tilt sensing device design and configure a mechanical sensors for analog obtained when the car is moving steering the produced by centrifugal force, angle, interest centrifugal force steering sensing original management, and the establishment of the tilt and bend the sensor auxiliary lighting fill time relationship between the steering angle degree of the greater, caused by the centrifugal force the larger, lighting complement light time is more short. Vehicle body tilt angle auxiliary light angle model to calculate the turning angle of the vehicle speed and climbing tilting Dou degree the assist beam angle model derivation, and automatically adjust the angle of nearly light irradiation center. In order to automatically control the assist light of winking status


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