  • 學位論文

偏遠地區小學本位課程規劃及具體成效之EGM 研究-以雲林縣二崙鄉義賢國小為例

EGM research on the planning and effects of school-based curriculum in rural areas – An Example of Yisian Elementary School,ErlunVillage,Yunlin County

指導教授 : 陳湘琴


偏遠地區小學-二崙鄉義賢國小面臨少子化日趨嚴重,新生人數遽降、逐年減班及因應雲林縣校務評鑑第一期程(100~102學年度)下,開始於99學年度積極規劃運用社區資源發展及整合學校教師設計具有地區特色的本位課程,迄今已邁向第六年。 本研究以學校之行政主管、教師、學生運用社區資源發展學校本位課程感官體驗後的「魅力因子」為研究主軸,應用「魅力工學評價構造法」之概念為基礎的訪談方式,主要研究目的在探討1.瞭解義賢國民小學本位課程規劃特色2.行政主管、教師、學生對於本位課程規劃及具體成效之個別評價3.行政主管、教師、學生三個族群對於本位課程規劃及具體成效之差異性。既而對未來本位課程設計與推動上的修正,提供具體建議,以供偏遠地區小學教育工作者與後續研究之參考。 本研究結論如下: 1.學校本位課程參酌社區產業特色,適時修正擴大涵蓋面向,設定以西瓜產業課程為主題軸,深具在地特色,並廣受社區家長的支持與認同。 2.行政主管3人在「課程規劃」中之魅力評價以「體驗實作/印象深刻/新奇的」最為肯定,「具體成效」則因行政角色不同,M1為「學生展能/不錯的」、M2為「學校營造/支持」、M3為「社區參與/感動」;教師3人在「課程規劃」中魅力評價以「體驗實作/感動的」最為肯定,「具體成效」則因服務年資不同,T1為「教師增能/多元的」、T2及T3為「學生展能/快樂的」;學生3人在「課程規劃」中魅力評價以「體驗實作/很好的/有趣的」最為肯定;「具體成效」為「學生展能/成就感/有趣的」 3.行政主管、老師、學生三個族群對於「課程規劃」之「體驗實作」具有共同的感受與認同,多元且具吸引力的體驗實作課程讓學生產生興趣、感到新奇有趣並能快樂學習,從而獲得成就感及過程中的感動與感謝;三個族群對於「具體成效」之「學生展能」亦具有共同的感受與認同,行政主管與老師,對於學校願景的目標、本位課程的規劃具有共識,引領學生進行有效能的學習,並呼應本校本位課程所欲開展義賢好兒童「動腦能想、開口能說、提筆能寫、動手會做,有創意、好品德、愛閱讀」五大能力之教育目標。


Yisian Elementary School, an elementary school in rural area, faced low birth rate and the situation is getting worse and worse. Under the situation that reducing of numbers of new students, class reduction year by year and first stage of school evaluation in Yunlin County (school year of 2011~2013), it positively started to plan development of community resources and integrate school-based curriculum with community features designed by school teachers in school year of 2010 which is towards sixth year till now. This research used “attractiveness factor” from sensory experiences from administrators, teachers and students from school that used community resources to develop school-based curriculum as main scheme. It applied concept of “Evaluation Grid Method” as basis of interview and the main research purpose was to explore: 1. to understand planning features of school-based curriculum in Yisian Elementary School, 2. Individual evaluation of planning and effects of school-based curriculum from administrators, teachers and students, 3. Difference in planning and effects of school-based curriculum from administrators, teachers and students. Then, it amended for design and promotion of school-based curriculum in the future and provided specific suggestion as a reference for educators in elementary schools in rural areas and future researches. The results of this search are as follow: 1. School-based curriculum deliberated features of community industry and amended and enlarged covered scope in good time, it set curriculum of watermelon industry as main scheme which has local features and has support and identification from parents in community. 2. 3 administrators are most positive on “implementation experience/ impressively/ novel” from the attractiveness evaluation in “planning of curriculum” while “specific effects” are different due to administrative roles. M1 is “student activity/ not bad”, M2 is “school creating/ support”; M3 is “community participation/ touching”. 3 teachers are most positive on “implementation experience/ touching” from the attractiveness evaluation in “planning of curriculum” while “specific effects” are different due to year of service. T1 is “teacher empowerment” and T2 and T3 are “student activity/ happy”. 3 students are most positive on “implementation experience/ very good/ interesting” from the attractiveness evaluation in “planning of curriculum” while “specific effects” are “student activity/ sense of accomplishment/ interesting”. 3. Three groups of administrators, teachers and students have same feeling and identification on “implementation experience” from “planning of curriculum”. Multiple and attractive implementation experience curriculum made students have interest and feel novel and interesting and could learn happily and then they could obtain sense of accomplishment and touching and appreciation during process. Three groups also have same feeling and identification on “student activity” from “specific effects”. Administrators and teachers have common consensus on goal of school vision and planning of school-based curriculum, so that they could lead students to learn effectively and respond to education goals of five abilities of “thinking with brain, speaking with mouth, writhing with pens, doing with hands, creative, good morality and love reading” that school-based curriculum would like to develop good students of Yisian from this school.


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