  • 學位論文


Creation Research and EGM analysis of Ikenobo’s Rikka Shimputai Applied in Sacrifice Flowers in Buddhist Temple

指導教授 : 梁大慶


花藝是人類以「美的象徵」利用花卉植物為媒介所創作之藝術表現,由一般的生活裝飾休閒娛樂,乃至婚喪喜慶場合的應用,再到民間宗教祭拜神明儀式中,處處皆有花藝的呈現。其中在宗教活動上的供花,對信仰表達尊敬且有教化人心之用,尤其在佛寺中的祭典活動更是不可缺少。池坊花道(Ikenobo Ikebana)由原本的佛前供花,轉化為以花器為中心發展的室內裝飾的插花,從辨別草木自然之趣,逐漸轉由插花過程中去領悟、頓悟人生,而有感於天、地、人之和諧共存,達到天人合一的境界,形成了特殊的插花藝術風格,故以池坊花藝型式來應用於供花更具內涵,並探討插花技巧與供花的成效。因此,本研究目的有下列三點: 1.以池坊花道─立花新風體為花型,呈現不同作品在不同佛寺場域的應用實例。 2.分析作品設計原理與插花技巧-三角構圖法,讓有興趣的人能參考依循。 3.以評價構造法分析,佛寺人員對於作品在佛堂的評價與具體成效。 此創作研究以雲林縣林內圓明禪寺為例,於該寺的三個場域大殿、地藏殿與彌勒殿進行創作,共有三個作品分別為「自在」、「沉思」與「歡喜」。所有作品皆以三角構圖的概念進行實作。由訪談得知作品做為實際佛寺供花佈置非常成功,與佛像、佛堂整體空間的搭配很恰當,更能突顯佛寺的莊嚴,另外也讓人心靈感到安定,讓作品具有撫慰人心的作用。由簡單的三角構圖的手法,創作出立花新風體的花藝作品,應用於台灣現代佛寺供花,可為初學插花者提供簡單的創作流程,也可作為往後在不同場域應用之參考。


Floral art is a symbol of the beauty. It is a kind of art expression which is created by using flower and plants as the material. We use flowers for house decoration, leisure, and entertainment, decoration in wedding or funeral, and sacrificing to gods in religious activities. Sacrifice flowers can express the respect for the faith and educate the comfort their own hearts especially in the Buddhist festival activities. In the beginning flowers have been deeply related to Buddhism. Ikenobo ikebana developed during the process of placing flowers in vases for offering flowers on the Buddhist altar. During plants arrangement, we can feel harmony and peace by observation of their inner essence and express their natural form. Therefore, I used my own creations following the “Rikka Shimputai” flower arrangement styles of Ikenobo Ikebana. To discuss different aspects of Ikenobo Ikebana applying in sacrifice flowers in Taiwan modern Buddhist temple (Yuan-Ming Temple, Linnei Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan). Using “Triangular Composition Method” to arrangement my creations provided a simple flower arrangement process to the beginners. My three creations in Buddha Hall, Ksitigarbha Hall and Maitreya Hall were named by「Freedom」、「Meditation」and「Joyous」respectively. The EGM analysis result shows that my creations were very successful and gave prominence to the solemn Buddha. In addition, people feel peace and joy when they saw my creations in the temple. My study will be a reference for further application of sacrifice flowers or other temple decorations.


