  • 學位論文


Research on the Factors Influencing the Learning Achievements of Children in Single-Parent and Two-Parent Families with the Use of Data Mining

指導教授 : 陳大正


現在社會離婚率高,不管有沒有再婚,單親家庭的子女也越來越多了,而這樣家庭背景的學生其學習狀況也是許多相關單位所要探討的,希望能了解影響學習成就的因素,進而能改善提升學生學習。 本研究資料來源是利用2009年「臺灣學習成就評量資料庫」(簡稱TASA)所提供的次級資料,包括國小四年級與六年級的國語科和數學科資料,因為此資料庫的樣本數較大,能夠探勘出更精確的資料。 使用C5.0決策樹分析,應用資料探勘技術來探討單親家庭與雙親家庭子女影響其學習成就的因素是否會有所不同。而探勘的過程需先將資料來源做資料淨化、資料整合、資料轉換、資料精簡以便探勘出準確的數據。而應變數為學習成就的高分組和低分組,自變數可歸納為三大部份分別為:學生基本資料、學生家庭背景、學科學習狀況。 本研究得到的結果是雙親家庭子女的學習成就高於單親家庭子女,單親家庭子女和雙親家庭子女在學習成就上是有顯著差異的,對於數學來說單親和雙親家庭背景是影響學習成就高低的因素。而雙親家庭的子女資源豐富,適當的控制物質享受可幫助學生學習,再來父母親和子女溝通的語言也會影響學生學習。 最後研究的結果希冀能提供給雙親、單親家庭家長、各單位教學行政與教育政策擬定之參考,對於影響學生的關鍵因素如果可以適時的加強或改進,就能提升學生的學習狀況,而達到事半功倍的效果。


There are more and more single-parent children because of the high rate of the divorces whether they remarry or not. The authorities concerned would like to discuss the learning conditions of such students, hoping to improve them by realizing the factors that influence their learning achievements. The source of this study is based on the secondary data from Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA) in 2009, including Mandarin Chinese and math of the fourth and sixth graders. With the larger number of the samples from the database, C5.0 Decision tree is taken with the use of the data mining to discuss whether the factors made by single-parent and two-parent families influencing their learning achievements differ from each other. The results are that the achievement of the children in two-parent families is better than that in single-parent families, that the achievements of the children in single-parent and two-parent families are obviously different, and that the family backgrounds are the factors which influence how children can achieve as far as math is concerned. Finally, the results can offer parents in single-parent and two-parent families, and all departments to make the policies of teaching administration and education for reference. Additionally, if we can improve and enhance the critical factors that might influence the students timely, we can make students’ learning a lot better and yield twice the result with half the effort.


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