  • 學位論文


Analysis of Key Functional Requirements of Integrated Cruise Operation Information Platform - A Case Study of Keelung Port

指導教授 : 馮正民 黃昱凱


近幾年亞洲郵輪成長帶動基隆的客運量提昇,讓臺灣成為亞洲第2大客源市場,基隆港也成為亞洲第5大郵輪停靠港。惟急速的發展也考驗客輪碼頭容量,以及設備人力等是否能依照市場的成長需求,圓滿達成每次的作業。 在上述的研究背景與動機之下,本研究的目的係以基隆港郵輪作業流程進行切入,透過訪談的方式,獲得各關係人在作業流程中實際的需求,並透過層級分析法來了解其中的關鍵功能需求,進而作為未來在將作業流程資訊化時,可做為重要參考之依據。


As the Asian cruise economics booming brings Taiwan become the second cruise source market and the fifth largest port for cruises in transit among Asia countries these years, the rapid growth also brings challenges to Taiwanese ports. Whether the terminal capacity, the equipments and the human resource of the ports can meet the growing demand, which has emerged to be solved. According to above reason, the purpose of this study is to find the key functional requirements of smooth operation procedures in Keelung Ports, so that it could be the important basic reference for the information streamlined in the future. The main measure of the research is knowing the key actual requirement of operate procedures by interview and level of analysis, which is applied to analyze the procedures of key related operators.


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