  • 學位論文

企 業 變 革 策 略 之 探 討 -以某被動元件公司為例

指導教授 : 黃同圳


在競爭激烈與國內外環境快速變化下,許多產業的基本“遊戲規則”發生與以往大不相同的改變,為了因應快速而急劇的環境變遷與產業經營結構的變化,很多企業紛紛進行各種變革與再造的活動,期望能透過組織的變革活動、尋求適當變革策略,以維持或提升企業面對環境變化的適應力與競爭力,有些企業因持續有效的變革中從經營危機再生起來或是經營績效、競爭力因而不斷提升,但有些企業或因無有效變革策略以致競爭力逐漸下滑或無法面對環境變化,以至遭致他人併購或消失於市場,經營卓越或者再生成功的企業,它們是如何進行組織的變革,它們變革成功的因素為何?何以能有與過去不同的組織績效表現,這些變革的方式、方法或因素,能不能給予更多經營艱困的企業進行變革時的一個思考方向,提升變革的成功率。 本研究希望透過收集各個構面之相關文獻探討,分析企業組織在進行變革的過程中,變革策略之相關活動要素,並試圖以一家經營將近三十年的電子被動元件產業個案公司為例,探討其歷經經營危機時,如何經過組織變革的過程,成功的從危機中再生起來,成為經營績效相當優異的上市電子元件公司,其變革策略、方法,以及如何有效轉換達成競爭力與組織經營績效的提升等相關課題之探討,藉由個案公司持續變革過程研究之實證分析,與文獻推演與歸納之探討,歸納出有效的變革關鍵活動,提供國內企業在進行變革時的參考方向。本研究得到成果如下: (一)、變革是維持企業持續成長重要關鍵因素:現今的產業環境內外環境變化快速,企業必需注意這些變化,適時的改變自己體質、策略以為因應。 (二)、變革是維持企業成存、持續成長的常態過程:誠如奇異(GE)執行長Jack Welch認為改變是為了創造一個可以適應環境的公司,改變是一種常態,現今的產業環境內外環境變化快速,已經不是企業面臨生存而不得不所需採取的措施。 (三)、企業進行變革時除充分了解企業所處內外環境外,能依循或有效掌握「變革啟動點」、「變革切入構面」、「變革關鍵活動」與「變革領導者」等四項變革策略關鍵要素,確有助於變革成功機率。 (四)、變革關鍵活動並不具有順序性,必須視變革的「起始點」、「急迫性」、「類型與目的」與「領導者風格」的不同,去改變關鍵活動組合順序,甚至執行的程度。 (五)、變革領導人是變革成功率的重要關鍵:不同變革啟動點,所需要的變革領導人特質有所不同,清楚認知自己所處變革位置或環境,選擇正確適合的變革領導人,才能有效成功變革。


組織績效 組織變革


The competition environment is quite impetuosity, and the basic operation rule and limitation are change quite a lot, the industry and private sector need take action to survey and gain the benefit from the market. The most of them just make change starting from organization change to find out a most useful strategy fluctuant to maintain adaptation and competition. Some of industry are eliminate from market, and some of update into more exquisite industry. The thesis will focus on the successful factors of organization change、the detail workflow and process of organization change and gain the success experience form those example. The work flow of the thesis will rely on document and research survey from world, to find out and analysis what is the key factors during the organization change. And all the thesis will work on a example company which is take an active part in passive industry, we will survey how can survey from a very crisis and jumped into a listed company? what is its strategy? what is its detail procedure? the major purpose of the thesis is try to category the successful key factors by absorb the successful experience and theory from the research documents. And we can category into detail as following items : (A) organization change is the major factor to maintain industry keep growth:the fast environment change need be a procedure to quick response, and industry need to be fit those fast change factors. (B) organization change is the normal procedure to maintain industry keep growth:Jack Welch’s opinions :a health industry need to be a characteristics to fit the quick change and the frequency of change is shorter and shorter. (C) organization change need to make clear and control the major factor of environment change – initial situation、insertion point of change、key activity of change、leader of change, control those 4 key factors is helpful to make successful. (D) organization change does not have any sequence, the important is need to focus the initial situation、urgency、category and purpose and leadership,we need to focus the right component need to be showing up in the right time and environment. (E) leader is the key successful of factor of organization change:organization change may have different initial situation and need different characteristics and style leader, so the owner of organization change need to be make clear what is the position of organization and make right decision to select the right leader.


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