  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林能暉


汞是全球性的污染物,在歐美與的研究較早較廣,而台灣對於其的研究相對欠缺,尤其在大氣汞部分,幾無數據資料。因此本研究主要是針對台灣平地與高山之大氣汞進行監測,以瞭解其在空間及垂直分布之特性。 本研究之採樣點共有五點,分別為桃園縣內近海的新屋鄉、近都市與工業的中壢中央大學、山區的復興鄉、台北大屯山區最高之竹子山與嘉義之鹿林山。桃園縣內以中央大學之總汞濃度為最大,新屋鄉次之,復興鄉為最小,分別為4.37 ± 0.93,3.78 ± 1.44,2.90 ± 0.70 ng m-3。此外,新屋與中央大學的相關係數為0.86,表示兩者有著相同的趨勢;而復興與桃園其他兩站之變化較不具相關性。以季節分類,三個採樣點之總汞濃度皆以冬季較高。 鹿林山總汞濃度之平均值為2.56 ± 1.14 ng m-3,白天比晚上高,而秋季的總汞濃度為最高,冬季為最低。鹿林山之總汞濃度由陸域氣流傳輸為4.31 ± 0.56 ng m-3,而由海洋性氣流傳輸為2.30 ± 0.52 ng m-3,明顯較低。 若以高度排列分別為復興鄉介壽國中(高度約400 m),竹子山(高度約1100 m),鹿林山(高度約2862 m)。其總汞濃度之平均值分別為2.90 ± 0.70,2.42 ± 1.03,2.56 ± 1.14 ng m-3,變化不大,顯示垂直均勻分佈。本研究整體結果顯示台灣之總汞濃度為2.42 – 2.90 ng m-3,較其他地區來的高。




Mercury is a global pollutant. The research of the mercury in America and Europe has been widely conducted, but quite scare in Taiwan, especially for atmospheric mercury. In this study, we attempt to quantify the concentration of atmospheric mercury at the ground and the mountain levels in Taiwan, in order to characterize its spatial and vertical distributions. Five sampling sites were operated from coast to mountain area. In Tao-yuan, the highest total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentration was measured at the NCU (4.37 ± 0.93 ng m-3), followed by Hsin-Wu (3.78 ± 1.44 ng m-3) and Fu-Hsin (2.90 ± 0.70 ng m-3). Besides, the correlation coefficient between the NCU and Hsin-Wu is 0.86, indicating that both sites have the same tendency. However, Fu-Hsin has not the same tendency as the other sites in Tao-yuan. The highest TGM concentration was observed in winter for three these sites. In Lu-lin Mt., mean TGM concentration was 2.56 ± 1.14 ng m-3. It’s daytime value was higher than nighttime value, and the highest in fall and the lowest in winter. The mean TGM concentration associated with the airflow from Asian continent was 4.31 ± 0.56 ng m-3. In contrast, it was 2.30 ± 0.52 ng m-3 for the airflow from the ocean. With respect to the altitude, the TGM concentration was 2.90 ± 0.70, 2.42 ± 1.03 and 2.56 ± 1.14 ng m-3 were at Fu-Hsin(400 m MSL), Bamboo Mt.(1100 m MSL) and Lu-Lin Mt.(2862 m MSL), respectively. We can see a stable distribution, indicating the vertical TGM concentration was well mixed. In our study, the TGM concentration was ranged in 2.42 – 2.90 ng m-3, lower than other areas.


Mercury TGM


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張智堯(2012)。黑鳶(Milvus Migrans)羽毛內重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞、砷)含量之時間變化〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2012.00069
