  • 學位論文

工程主控保險計畫現況與改進芻議之研究 -以台北市捷運工程為例

A Study on Owner Control Insurance Programs of Public Construction Projects- An Example of Taipei Subway Projects

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉


目前國內之工程保險,主要可分為承包商自行投保及業主主控保險計畫(Owner Controlled Insurance Program, OCIP)兩種型態。目前台北市捷運局之工程,其投保方式為實施業主(捷運局)主控保險計畫,將各路線之工程由業主統一投保。但因台北市捷運初期路網之總保險費用共僅約十億三千萬元,而初期路網完成後保險公司理賠金額共達二十四億六千萬元,導致後續捷運路網之工程,無保險公司願意承保。因此,為達到工程承保之目的,台北市捷運局在保費比例不變之情況下,以降低保險條件之方式修改主控保險中之特約條款,使保險公司願意接受而承保。此保險條款之改變,對於工程順利施作、風險之降低等,是否有實質保險之成效,實有待討論。 本研究旨在探討目前台北市捷運局所使用之業主主控保險計畫,於實施後所存在之相關問題。本研究首先收集捷運初期路網至今所有之保單,探討其修改原因;並以文獻探討及專家訪談之方式,先初步歸納出目前業主主控保險計畫可能的問題並將之條列化;再以問卷之方式邀請業主、承包商,及其他工程領域之人員作答,以完整探討業主主控保險計畫可能衍生之問題。 本研究並嘗試釐清產生此諸問題之原因,並藉由相關法律與保險條款之探討,整合專家之建議,研擬相關條款可能修正之方向,以提供未來此類保險條款修正時之參考。


There are two types of insurance programs for public construction projects in Taiwan. One is the insurance program processed by the contractor while the other one is processed by the owner. The later one is also called Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP). In the Department of Rapid Transit System (DORTS) of Taipei City, OCIP is incorporated in all of its construction projects. In the early stage of construction of the transit network, the insurance premiums were accumulated to NT 1,030,000,000 dollars; however, the insurance remedy costs were totally up to NT 2,460,000,000 dollars. Therefore, the insurance companies backed off before the DORTS adjusts its OCIP policies in the later stage of network development. To accommodate such situation, DORTS raised deductibles and reduced remedy conditions in the OCIP insurance policies with the insurance premiums remain the same, due to budget limitations. Such changes in the insurance policies caused problems when the contractors encounter situations where insurance coverage is needed. In this research, problems of using OCIP in DORTS are identified and listed by interviewing experienced personnel in DORTS, construction contractors, and insurance companies. A further extended survey was conducted to justify such problems. Results show that these identified problems are supported by the survey. Finally, suggested solutions to these problems are also solicited from experts in this research for future reference.


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