  • 學位論文


A Case Study on RFID Application in Healthcare

指導教授 : 范懿文


在世人眼中,醫療產業一直保有極為正面的形象。即使偶而有聽聞醫療過失,也不會去做更深刻的聯想。但是這個想法,是錯誤的。在1999年,根據美國的一份研究報告指出,每年在美國有上萬人的死因是因為醫療行為上的疏失而造成的。在台灣,也存在著相同的問題,醫策會的一份報告指出,從4510有效問卷中,超過百分之五十的醫謢人員曾經經歷過不同程度上的醫療疏失。這造成每年有大約三萬人因為醫療疏失而使病情加重,其中更造成兩千九百人死於非命。在許多醫療疏失的起因是因為缺乏先進的資訊,及通訊上的輔助科技的情況下,醫療產業開始在各方面積極導入資訊科技,試圖提升工作品質。 無線射頻(RFID)是一項將電子化資料儲存辨識用科技。它可以利用的範圍極為廣泛並且有很高的整合能力,可以與許多其他科技共同使用,因此RFID被學者列為21世紀10大最具影響的科技之一。目前有數篇文章探討將RFID導入醫療產業後帶來的衝擊,從作業上的調整,到流程上的變革,RFID可以被有效的應用在藥物、血袋控管、工作人員甚至病房管理。不需要與讀取器做直接的接觸也使得在感染控制方面有很大的助益。 透過個案,本研究試圖找出個案醫院在導入前後的差異,RFID在醫療產業的應用、個案醫院在現階段的成功,直得其他醫院去參照、學習的因素。在此我們發現,與一般產業架構不相同的醫療產業,導入資訊科技時,會遭遇的阻礙有所不同。由於個案醫院導入RFID是導入到護理站,因此在組織抗拒方面,透過中高層的課長與主任去遊說而獲得解決。在資訊人員與使用者的溝通方面也透過它獨有的方式來達成。


RFID 醫療過失 醫療產業


As most people firmly believe, healthcare industry upholds the highest level of practice excellence. Even though occasions arise where medical misconducts are reported, it is generally regarded as single incidence, rather than the incompetence of the entire industry. From a few research reports, it suggested that misconducts are causing of tens of thousands of people experience unnecessary treatments annually, worst case causes death. With intensions to improve quality of service, IT was extensively introduced into healthcare industry. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an identification technology that does not only store data in digitized form, but also allow accessing and writing in digital means. From several studies, it is visible such introduction have significant impact on healthcare industries, ranging from tracking of restricted medical supplies, blood bags and personnel, to ward management, quarantine of infectious patients and aiding in identification. Through a case study, it is the intension of this research to analyze the changes that take place and to understand why and how it was a successful implementation. It has found several key factors that are possible cause of success in implementation, but due to the nature of this research, it is to be regarded as an advice rather than a must.


33. 經濟部技術處, 示範性資料 應用該發計畫個案集, 2007
36. C.H. Chen, RFID無線射頻辨識系統醫療管理系統, 2007
46. RFID在醫療產業的應用
English References
1. D. Arnott, Decision support systems evolution: framework, case study and research agenda, European Journal of Information Systems, 2004, p247-259
