  • 學位論文

銀髮族休閒旅遊消費行為分析 - 以新竹縣、竹北市、及桃園市龍潭區為例

Research into the consumer behavior of senior citizens in Hsinchu, Taoyuan as tourists

指導教授 : 李小梅


根據行政院主計處統計,台灣65歲以上老人在2014年6月,人口已達275萬人(12%, Ageing Society);台灣預估將於2018年正式邁入高齡社會( 14.6%, Aged Society)。在此趨勢之下,超過 14%高齡化人口,對於休閒旅遊的消費行為的現況之研究,以及高齡族群進行休閒旅遊消費行為時,受到何項因素、人員、或購後行為,影響或改變未來的消費行為,為本研究所探討之方向。, 本研究以消費者行為理論為基礎,分別以參與動機與滿意度,探討銀髮族的旅遊實際行為。 針對新竹縣、新竹縣竹北市及桃園市龍潭區之50歲以上銀髮族,進行問卷發放,共計發放問卷217份,有效回收問卷196份。所收集資料以SPSS 16.0 進行描述性統計分析,Cronbach α 進行構面信度分析。 本研究結果顯示:銀髮族休閒旅遊消費行為中的『參與動機』,對於參與國內旅遊之次數與天數有顯著影響,但對於國內旅遊花費卻無顯著影響;深入探究後,銀髮族對於以紓壓性動機參與時、對於國內旅遊花費才出現顯著的影響、超高於其它智力性、社交性、健康性動機。國外休閒旅遊的參與動機分析則顯示:參與動機愈強烈時,國外旅遊的次數、天數與花費也愈高。 在銀髮族休閒旅遊的『旅遊品質滿意度』是否影響其旅遊行為,結果顯示,旅遊品質滿意度中「交通狀況與洗手間的便利性」一項,對於國內旅遊次數與天數,及旅遊花費的多寡有顯著的影響。 整體旅遊品質滿意度的研究則顯示,對於國外旅遊的次數與旅遊花費有顯著的正向影響、但對國外旅遊天數卻沒有顯著影響;但國外旅遊時交通狀況與洗手間的便利性,則對於旅遊天數有顯著影響。 銀髮族在休閒旅遊的『服務品質滿意度』是否影響其旅遊行為,結果顯示,服務品質的滿意度對銀髮族國內休閒旅遊之次數、天數與花費無明顯影響,但深入分析發現,不輕易變動行程、景點的介紹清楚與詳細、自費行程多寡、旅遊內容與行前說明的差異、購物經驗等五項滿意度越高,則旅遊之次數、天數與花費愈高。國外旅遊的服務品質滿意度研究顯示,滿意度愈高,則旅遊次數愈高;天數與花費的影響,則與國內旅遊之分析一致。 『旅遊考慮因素、成行主因、他人影響或特定因素』,影響休閒旅遊是否成行的分析中顯示,景點特殊性、交通狀況與住宿品質,對銀髮族來說是最重要的旅遊考慮因素。 成行主因的分析結果顯示:旅遊的景點為第一考量,其次則為同行旅遊者。 在他人影響的部分:家人是最重要的影響人員。 本研究就研究結果,對相關單位提出建議,亦對後續研究提供研究方向。


According to statistics from the office of Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., the population of 65 years and older exceeded 2.75 million in Jun. 2014 (above 12%, Ageing Society at present). Taiwan will become an Aged Society in 2018, the 65 years and older population will exceed 14.6% of total population. Based on the population trend towards an Aged Society, the senior travel market has become an increasingly important area of interest to the tourism industry. This study aims to explore what factors will influence the future consumer behavior of senior citizens as tourists. This study applied the EKB Model to study consumer behavior of senior citizens from their motivation for travel, satisfaction with the travel experience and quality of service. 217 questionnaires were distributed in Hsinchu County, Chubei City and Longtan Area of Taoyuan County. 196 valid questionnaires were returned. The data points were collected using SPSS 16.0 for descriptive data analysis. Cronbach α was administered to make confirmatory factor analysis. The results of this study revealed that motivations for travel had a positive effect on domestic travel frequency and duration, but not an obvious effect on travel expenses. With further study of the data related to motivation factors, it revealed the travel for relaxation had a significantly positive effect on travel expenses; however, the travel for activities had a positive effect on frequency the of foreign travel, duration and expenses. It revealed “satisfaction with quality of travel” does not influence travel behavior. But the factors of “traffic convenience” and “ease of lavatory access” revealed a positive impact on domestic travel frequency, duration and expenses; also there was a positive effect on foreign travel duration. The result revealed that “satisfaction with travel service” does not influence domestic and foreign travel duration and expenses, but have a positive effect on foreign travel frequency. Studying further to the factors – an unchanged itinerary, clear introduction of scenery, optional excursions, shopping experience revealed a positive effect on the domestic travel frequency, duration and expenses. Regarding to the study of seniors’ travel behavior, scenic highlights, good traffic conditions and good quality accommodation are the most important factors that influence travel. Family members are the most important people to influence the travel decision. Finally, given the above results, we conclude that the results could provide suggestions for relevant units and further research.


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