  • 學位論文


Management of technological innovation: an empirical study from the rational perspective

指導教授 : 洪秀婉


技術創新的管理為企業組織追求卓越、維持競爭優勢的重要途徑之一。許多研究觀點如體制觀點、潮流觀點、文化觀點及理性觀點等陸續被提出以探討組織採行管理創新的過程機制及行為目的。依據Birkinshaw等人(2008)對管理創新觀點的整合性研究指出,理性觀點對於組織採行管理創新行為的目的詮釋得最為合宜且融合了組織決策者的角色。根據理性觀點,管理創新活動的導入是由欲使其組織運作更有效能的內部個體所主導,進而求取活動執行的正當性;此外,在技術創新的早期研究中認為創新活動是藉由市場拉力(Market pull)或技術推力(Technology push)其中一種力量所致,然至今日,多數學者已認同創新活動的產生應是兩者相互作用的連續過程。因此,本研究延續學者觀點,分別由技術推力與市場拉力兩個程序進行實證,探討技術創新的管理機制。 (1)技術推力:就技術面而言,因應技術的快速變遷與產業競爭,企業產生了對新技術的強大需求,進而不斷以各種技術獲取(technology acquisition)方式來獲取其所需的技術資源,維持競爭優勢。故本研究以LED產業為例,從快速跟隨者角度分析組織所擁有的技術能力對其技術獲取模式選擇的影響;(2)市場拉力:就需求面而言,技術本身具有的獨特屬性(technological attributes)提升了消費者採用的可能性,造就其技術市場潛能,進而引發企業對此技術商品化後的報酬期待,促成此技術的商業化(technology commercialization)。因此,本研究以太陽能和LED兩大產業為調查對象檢驗技術市場潛能本身的中介(mediating)效果以及環境因素於技術市場潛能和技術商業化間的調節效果,以瞭解企業管理者如何因應外在市場需求尋求創新的解答。 研究發現:(1)技術推動(technology-push)部分,企業對外進行技術獲取時,當其本身擁有較高的研發或製造互補能力時,會選擇高資源承諾的技術獲取模式,使合作過程中夥伴關係維持長久並獲取較高的學習效果;但當跟隨者企業擁有較高的創新能力時,則會選擇低資源承諾的獲取模式以降低共享資源的付出,防止獨特創新能力外洩;此外,(2)市場拉力(market-pull)的研究發現外在環境的趨勢要求,對技術市場潛能與技術商業化的關係上具有顯著的正向調節效果;研究也指出,技術屬性在技術市場潛能的中介作用下對其商業化影響有顯著效果。 藉由上述科技業公司於技術商業化與技術獲取模式上的實證分析,本研究將有助於以理性觀點思維瞭解組織採行技術創新管理行為的目的因素並解析現今科技業於對其技術能力在管理創新上可能的過程機制。此外,本研究也對於彌補管理創新理性觀點於產業實證分析上不足,做出進一步的貢獻。


Management of technological innovation is among the important methods employed by entrepreneurial organizations to pursue outstanding, sustainable competitive advantages. Numerous perspectives, such as institutional and cultural perspectives, have been suggested continually to investigate the process mechanisms and behavioral goals of organizations that adopt management innovation. The integrated research of Birkinshaw et al. (2008) on management innovation perspectives indicates that, in management innovation, the rational perspective provides the most appropriate explanation for the behavioral goals of organizations that adopt management innovation, merging the roles of agents within the organization. According to the rational perspective, management innovations are introduced by internal individuals who seek to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. In addition, while prior literature of innovation had recognized that innovation is triggered by either market-pull or technology-push, to date, many scholars have argued that that innovation process is the interaction of market-pull and technology-push force. Therefore, extending scholars’ perspective, this study integrates two possible trigger mechanisms for technological innovation behavior, technology push and market pull. (1)Technology-push: investigates business managers who adopt corresponding technology acquisition plans after examining their internal technological capability. For this part of the research, we use the LED industry as an example. This study analyzes the influence organizations’ technological capability has on their technology acquisition choices from the perspective of fast-follower businesses to understand how managers search for innovation in resource capabilities. (2)Market-pull: researches the influence of business managers’ personal desires on implementing technology commercialization using the solar power and LED industries as the targets of investigation. This study examines the moderating effect of external environmental factors on market potential and the probability of technology commercialization, and the mediating effect of the technology market’s potential to understand how business managers respond to a market environment seeking innovation. The results are as follows: (1) according to the analysis on the technology acquisition model, fast-followers opt for the acquisition models demanding high resource commitments when a fast-follower firm has highly R&D capabilities or complementary manufacturing capabilities in their cooperation, since the cooperation makes the partnerships last longer and improves learning efficiency of fast-followers. However, if fast-followers own superior innovative capabilities, they choose the acquisition model demanding low resource commitments, so as to reduce the contributions of shared resources and prevent possible leakage of unique innovative capabilities. (2) Based on the analysis of technology commercialization, this paper finds that environmental factor shows significant and positive moderating effect on technology market potentials and technology commercialization. Meanwhile, technological attributes has significant influence on technology commercialization under the mediating effects of technology market potential. Through empirical analysis of the technology commercialization and technology acquisition styles of technology companies, this study enhances understanding of the behavioral goals and characteristics of organizations that adopt technological innovation management from a rational perspective to analyze the process mechanisms of the current technology industry to determine its technological capability for management innovation. Additionally, this study also contributes to existing research by resolving the insufficient empirical analysis of rational perspectives of industry management innovations.


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