  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between High Performance Work System and Turnover Intention: Mediating Effect of Psychological Contract Abstract

指導教授 : 劉念琪


回顧2011,歐債危機層出不窮,全球經濟復甦不確定性增加,放眼2012仍充滿著不安與動盪。而「人」身為企業的主體,便是企業面對挑戰、達成組織目標首能運用的利器。Guest(1997)找出組織層次人力資源措施與企業績效間的關聯,組織層次人力資源措施先影響到員工態度,而後改善個人績效,進而影響公司的整體績效。但究竟人力資源措施是透過什麼樣的作用對員工、對組織產生影響力?則為本研究的動機來源。   本研究係以台灣上市櫃公司為研究母體,分為兩階段進行問卷調查,第一階段針對81家企業發出公司層次問卷,回收有效問卷75家,回收率92.6%。接著針對75家回覆公司層次問卷的企業中發出1875份問卷,回收有效問卷1520份,回收率81.1%。並透過因素分析、相關分析、階層迴歸分析等統計方法探討變數間的關聯。經實證分析結果如下: 1.高績效工作系統中長期發展人力資源管理活動,與員工離職傾向有負向關係;短期聚焦的人力資源管理活動,則對關係型心理契約無顯著影響。 2.高績效工作系統中長期發展人力資源管理活動對關係型心理契約存在顯著影響;短期聚焦人力資源管理活動,對關係型心理契約無顯著影響。 3.員工知覺到的關係型心理契約與員工離職傾向之間有顯著影響 4.關係型心理契約對高績效工作系統中長期發展人力資源管理活動與員工離職傾向具有中介效果。


Looking back in 2011, the Europe''s debt crisis took place in rapid succession with no sign of abating which resulted into increased worldwide uncertainty of economic recovery. With the advent 2012, the uneasy turbulence remains to be felt. “Employees” being a major part of an enterprise, becomes an important instrument in facing enterprising challenges and help the company achieve its goal. Mr. Guest explained in 1997 how the organizational level human resources practice is closely related to business performance. The organizational level human resources practice initially influences employees working attitude, then it improves their performance, and ultimately stimulate the whole company’s overall performance. What is it that allows human resources effective measures to effectively influence the employees and its organization? It is a motive of this research to find the answers. This study specifically targeted Taiwan’s stock listed companies as research subjects with a survey conducted in two stages. In the first stage, survey questionnaires were sent out to 81 selected companies. 75 valid responses or 92.6% feedback were received. In the next stage, another batch of 1875 questionnaires was sent out to the previous 75 respondent companies. A total of 1520 valid responses or 81.1% of the sent questionnaires were returned. Then, statistical methods: such as factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used to explore into the relations of and between the resulting parameters. The verified results of the analysis are shown below: 1. HRM practices of adaptability within the high performance work system have a negative correlation with employees’ turnover Intention. HRM practices of alignment have no influence on employee relational contract. 2. HRM practices of adaptability within the high performance work system have a positive correlation with employee relational contract. HRM practices of alignment have no influence on employee relational contract. 3. Relational contract has an obvious influence on employees’ turnover Intention. 4. Employee relational contract has mediating effect on HRM practices of adaptability within the high performance work system and employees turnover Intention.


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