  • 學位論文


Railway Core System Engineering Interface Design Integration Study

指導教授 : 謝定亞 高聰忠


摘要 軌道工程之核心機電系統為其整體工程能否順利完成通車營運之關鍵,而核心機電系統工程在界面整合工作上之負擔較其他類型如土建或一般機電之工程多且複雜。隨著主要路網的逐漸形成,臺北捷運工程未來興建採取中運量系統的比率將會增加,又全世界中運量核心機電系統皆具封閉性與專利性,在界面整合上更為困難。若核心機電系統設計界面整合問題能夠利用更有效管理方法或機制來協助解決,則對於捷運工程之推動定有莫大助益。 本研透過深入之資料蒐集、實務案例的歸納整理、訪談及比較之方式,針對現行臺北捷運中運量系統工程之採購模式與核心機電系統工程設計階段界面協調要點及其管理機制與方法,例舉內湖線及環狀線為案例詳細說明,並對其遭遇問題之原因詳細探討剖析,再藉由參考高鐵工程相關界面管理機制與方法做比較,探討可改善捷運工程核心機電系統界面整合困難及減少界面爭議之方案。冀望國內捷運系統工程建設未來之發展,在技術整合能力及整體工程進度掌控上能夠有所助益。 關鍵字:核心機電系統、中運量、設計階段、界面整合


Abstract The key to the successful completion of a Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) System (Line/Route) from the Construction Phase into the Operational Phase is a successful completion of the Design Integration of Core System Engineering Interfaces Works. It should be noted that the work load for the Core System Engineering Interfaces Design Integration is much larger and more complicated in compare to work load either for the Civil Works and/or other general Electrical-Mechanical Works. It is foreseeable that the Medium Capacity Transit (MCT) System will be adopted much more often after the Taipei MRT System Network is gradually formed. It is also understand that all world-available MCT Core System Designs are patentable with closed design which makes MRT Core System Design Interface Integration Works much more difficult. It will be very helpful to the completion of any MRT System if an effective and manageable methodology can be utilized and enable Core System Interface Design Integration Works can be systematically resolved. Through various data collection works, collate and analyze of practical cases, interview with workers, and detailed comparisons including review of Procurement Methodology for Taipei MCT, Procedures for Management of Core System Engineering Interfaces during the Design Stage, case studies with details for Taipei MRT Neihu Line and Circular Line, further compare with management structure and methodology for the Taiwan High Speed Rails Corporation. This study is intending to improve the MRT Core System Interface Integration process and eliminates various conflicts and difficulties exist in the current system. It is also my hope this study can somewhat contributes and improve the ability to the MRT core system interface integration efforts and the ability to control the MRT construction schedule in the future. Keyword:Core System, Medium Capacity Transit - MCT, Design Stage, Interfaces Integration


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