  • 學位論文


Integration and Renew of Medium Capacity Transit System in Taipei Rapid Transit System

指導教授 : 古碧源


本論文目的在於探討台北中運量捷運新舊系統,即內湖線及木柵線之整合。由於世界各國中運量捷運系統均為獨立且封閉之設計,各系統間無法相容並行,而台北捷運中運量系統卻要新舊系統整合,以提供木柵、內湖一車到底免換車直達之營運,不僅在世界上係屬罕見,在工程技術上也極具挑戰性。 本研究之系統整合與一般捷運系統延伸性通車之系統整合不同,高運量捷運系統行車號誌已有共同規範且統一規劃,後續通車路線僅在原有號誌系統下持續延伸,新舊列車皆可運轉。而台北捷運中運量系統之延伸,為避免乘客之換車困擾,要求新、舊不同系統整合,達到全線一車到底之目的,藉由最新通訊式列車控制技術,透過全新軌道列車控制系統,將開工至今已有17年之木柵線既有號誌系統及行車控制中心軟、硬體全部更新,舊電聯車及設備納入新系統中運轉,並由兩座新設置之行車控制中心相互備援模式下進行整合與營運。 回顧13年前台北第一條捷運木柵線整合測試,因發生兩次火燒車及三次爆胎意外,造成社會大眾對捷運之負面印象,足證系統整合攸關整個工程成敗之重要性;本文作者於中運量捷運系統服務多年,參與各項系統整合及營運規劃作業,目前已進行各項新號誌系統通訊干擾及電聯車整合測試,測試結果也顯示可克服新舊系統介面問題,本文之研究可協助完成新中運量系統之整合,亦可提供爾後不同中運量系統整合之規劃範本。


This dissertation is aimed at the integration of Neihu line (new system) and Muzha line (old system) in Medium Capacity Transit System (MCTS) of Taipei Rapid Transit System. It was well known the MCTS around the world were independent and incompatible between each other, whereas it was required the new system and old system of Taipei MCTS must be coordinated and integrated to provide a ride-through service from Neihu and Muzha without transfer in between. This project was a technical challenge and rare as well from the global point of view. The system integration in this study was different from the system integration on the other line which was basically an integration of the existing line with an extension line. For example, while signaling system of Mass Rapid Transit had standardized specifications, a benefit to the signaling system implementation of extension line where old and new trains could operate without difficulty, extension of Taipei MCTS required the integration of new and old system to provide a ride-through convenience for the passengers without transfer penalty. High-end communication-based technology was in hand for train control and retrofitting the existing signaling equipment and Operation Control Center software/hardware which had been in service for seventeen years would be included as well. The existing train would be upgraded and through two newly-established Operation Control Center in a back-up mode, successful integration would be assured. Retrospecting thirteen years ago as Taipei commenced its MCTS integration test, there had been two tire fire and three tire rupture incidents, resulting in negative impression for Taipei citizens to Taipei transit system. The author had been serving in MCTS for many years, taking part in assorted of system integration and operation planning, and at present are involving in the signaling and communication integration and interference compatibility testing, the result of which showed interface problem between new and old system can be mended. This dissertation can help accomplish the MCTS integration and provide a planning guideline for the following system integration.


[4] Siemens Transportation Systems, www.sts.siemens.com , 2005。
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[2] 蔡輝昇,台北捷運公司成立十週年紀實,2004,第32~37頁。
[3] 黎煥霖,捷運技術半年刊第31期,2004,第97頁。
[5] 吳國安,捷運技術半年刊第30期,2004,第82~84頁。


