  • 學位論文


The Study of China-U.S. Seapower Competition and Additional Discussion on the Measures of Military Security which Taiwan Should Do

指導教授 : 林泰和


1990年代開始,因中國經濟發展的快速提升,使得軍事預算得以穩定成長,為其軍事現代化創造了有利條件。而伴隨經濟發展與軍事現代化,中國解放軍海軍的軍力成長亦十分迅速,並且解放軍海軍的戰略方針與實際行動也有逐步擴張海權的趨勢。然而美國在西太平洋區域是現有的最強大海上強權,中國推動海權發展,勢必對美國造成衝擊,因此美國也著手進行戰略調整,目前其軍事事務的重心已逐漸轉向西太平洋區域,欲藉由相關作為以遏止中國海權發展對其的挑戰,以保持其自身的海上霸主地位。而位於第一島鏈中央重要戰略位置的臺灣,身處中、美兩強於西太平洋海權競爭的格局之中,其軍事安全必然會受到此結構性因素的影響。 本文主要內容分為三部分:第一部分為中國海權發展之因素的分析,包含中國的海權意識覺醒之背景、海軍戰略特徵、發展海權的意圖與能力;第二部分則是美國為維持自身海權優勢之戰略措施,包括海外軍力部署調整、軍事同盟以及新軍事戰略的策劃和執行;第三部分則為中、美海權競爭對臺灣軍事安全造成的影響,以及臺灣可採取的自處之道。 研究中發現,中國目前持續以積極防禦的模式逐步削弱美國於西太平洋區域的制海權;而美國在回應中國挑戰的過程中,愈來愈注重海空力量的協同以及與他國合作的力量;然而在美國的軍事合作體系中,臺灣似乎有被邊緣化的趨勢,為扭轉此不利態勢,臺灣應該藉由強化反潛能力並發展牽制戰力來確保自身軍事安全。


Since the 1990s, due to the rapid upgrading of China's economic development, making its military budget to be stable growth and created favorable conditions for its military modernization. Accompanied by economic development and military modernization, the military power of the PLA Navy grows very quickly. And PLA Navy's strategic policy and practical actions show the trend of progressive expansion of the Sea Power. However, the United States in the Western Pacific Region is the most powerful maritime power, the development of China's Sea Power is bound to impact on the United States. Therefore, the United States has also begun to make strategic adjustments to curb the challenges posed by the development of China's Sea Power in order to maintain its supremacy at sea. Taiwan is located in the center of the first island chain, its strategic position makes its military security be affected by the competition of Sea Power between China and the United States in the Western Pacific. The context is divided into three parts: Firstly, the factors of the development of China’s Sea Power. Such as the background of consciousness of China's Sea Power, the characteristics of PLA’s naval strategy, the intentions and capabilities of the development of China’s Sea Power. Secondly, the United States’ strategic measures for maintain its own maritime advantage. Such as adjustments of military deployment and alliance, and new military strategy. Thirdly, the impact of competition between China and the United States to Taiwan's military security, and the measures which Taiwan should do. In this study, it has found that China continues to use “active defense” to weaken the U.S. naval supremacy in the Western Pacific Region. Accordingly, for response to the challenge from China, the United States increasingly focus on the strength of the synergy of the Navy and Air Forces as well as cooperation with other alliances. However, in the United States system of military cooperation, Taiwan seems to have been marginalized. To reverse this negative trend, Taiwan should ensure its own military security by enhancing the anti-submarine capabilities and the countering forces.




