  • 學位論文


Design of Single/Dual-Band Bandpass Filter with Wide Stopband and Mutiband Antenna

指導教授 : 湯敬文


本篇論文是以平面式微帶線結構為研究基礎,分別進行單頻與雙頻微波帶通濾波器與多頻帶天線電路設計。本文先介紹單頻帶通濾波器。相似於SIR藉由改變阻抗比來控制頻帶,文章中所提出的步階式耦合線則是藉由改變耦合強弱來調控傳輸零點。分析上採用以電壓電流的方式算出傳輸零點產生的位置。將此步階式耦合線電路架構分成三種類型,以方便應用在各種電路,最後選定弱強弱步階式耦合線應用在單頻濾波器的諧波抑制上,達成在不增加任何尺寸下,即能有良好的寬頻抑制效果。 第二部份是雙頻帶通濾波器設計,此濾波器是採用耦合式饋入的平行耦合線與開路耦合線為電路架構。為了解決開路微帶耦合線的奇、偶模相速不相等問題,在開路微帶耦合線的兩端加入指叉式電容耦合,使其奇模的相速獲得補償。最後將兩組設計在不同頻帶的濾波器疊接,即可達成雙頻帶的效果,為了讓電路具有較好的抑制諧波特性因此再加上一帶止濾波器以達成想要的結果。 第三部分為共平面波導的三頻帶天線,利用寬頻天線結合不同挖槽的方式,來造成類似帶止濾波器的諧振腔架構,並分別獨立切割出我們所要使用的各個頻帶。 上述電路均使用全波電磁模擬軟體進行模擬工作,並實際進行電路製作與量測。經由量測結果與電磁模擬相比較,確實驗證與理論有良好的一致性。


The main propose of this thesis is based on the structure of planer microstrip line to design of single/dual band bandpass filters and multiband antenna. The first part of this thesis will introduce a single band bandpass filter. We using the step impedance coupled-line to controls the transmission zeros by changing the impedance ratio. It is analyzed by current-voltage theory to calculate the transmission zeros. This step impedance coupled-line structure can divide into three types for different circuit applications. The second part is dual band bandpass filter design. It is a structure of combine parallel coupled-line and open end coupled-line. Using interdigital capacitance compensation to solve the phase difference between the even mode and odd mode of coupled lines. In the end, we combine two single filter and add a bandstop filter in order to increase the harmonic suppression. The third part is a CPW feed triband antenna. Using a wide band antenna combining two slot resonator. We can divide into the passband that we want independently. All the above-mentioned circuits are simulated by using full-wave electromagnetic simulation. The match well results between electromagnetic simulation and measured data can evidence the availability of all proposed circuits.


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