  • 學位論文


China's National Defense Strategy on the impact of the Revolution in Military Affairs of People’s Liberation Army Air Force(1978-2011)

指導教授 : 宋學文


中國國防戰略自毛澤東時期「早打、大打、打核戰」之「人民戰爭」傳統戰略,解放軍空軍主要任務為「國土防空」並配屬於陸軍地面部隊,任務以支援陸軍為主。1978年鄧小平接任國家領導人後,將人民戰爭改為「現代化條件人民戰爭」,而到了1985年鄧小平為因應戰爭型態變化將國防戰略改為打一場「局部戰爭」,並以和平時期建軍政策強調質量建軍,精兵路線,堅持「積極防禦」之守勢戰略,解放軍空軍也開始自配屬角色轉變。1991年第一次波斯灣戰爭後,聯軍的優勢科技,使中國體認到未來戰爭將是高科技戰爭,江澤民修正國防戰略為打贏「高科技條件下局部戰爭」,並持續推動國防現代化與高科技建軍,解放軍由數量規模型轉向質量效能型,人力密集型轉向科技密集型,海空軍優先現代化。解放軍空軍由「國土防空」轉變為「攻防兼備」戰略。2003年,胡錦濤接任中國國家主席,提出中國和平崛起、和平發展並希望創造和諧世界的理念,國防建設邁向走有中國特色的精兵之路,國防戰略改變為打贏「資訊化條件下局部戰爭」,強調「一體化聯合作戰」。解放軍空軍持續「攻防兼備戰略」,但為配合攻勢戰略,積極發展攻勢戰力與培養攻勢能量,以執行未來戰略任務,維護中國國家安全與國家利益。 本研究將從攻勢與守勢現實主義觀點,藉由國際關係理論建立研究分析架構,探討中國國防戰略演變過程與因素,以及與解放軍空軍戰略變遷和推動國防現代化和軍事事務革命過程之關聯性。本研究將利用(3+1)i決策模型觀點,分析「解放軍空軍發展殲二十戰機(J-20)」一案之決策過程與政治、軍事意涵,以及對亞太局勢產生的影響。最後,對於當前中國亞太戰略和解放軍空軍未來戰略進行整理分析與初步預測,並對臺灣未來國防戰略提出建議,希望對臺灣國防事務研究有所幫助。


Under the leadership of Mao Ze-dong, China’s national defense strategy was “early, major, and nuclear war”, which was “people's war” and primarily formulated to support the ground forces’ need. The majority missions of China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) were national air defense, and belong to Army Ground Forces so as to maintain the army force military. Until Deng Xiao-ping took over in 1978, he changed to fight a “local war”, emphasized military construction under peaceful environment, built up basing on quality and insisted the defensive strategy of active defense, thus the role of PLAAF started to alter. When the Persian Gulf War in 1991, the advanced technology of coalition forces made China realized that the future of war will be the high-tech war, so Jiang Ze-min adjusted to winning local wars under high-tech conditions and promoted modernization of national defense. PLA was transitioning from a national territory air defense type of air force into one that conducts combination of offensive and defensive operations.When Hu Jin-tao became president of the People's Republic of China in 2003, he proposed the concept of “China's peaceful rise”, “China's Peaceful Development” and “creating a harmonious world”. National defense strategy aims at winning local wars in conditions of informatization and focus on integrative combined operation; however, in order to coordinate with offensive strategy, it is needed to develop the offense military so that the future strategic mission can protect China’s national security and interests. In order to study the development of China's national defense strategy, and the connection between strategy of PLAAF, modernization of national defense and Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) of PLAAF, this research adopts the perspective of Offensive Realism and Defensive Realism to build the analytic framework. Also it will adopt the (3+1)i model of making decision to analyze the case “PLAAF J-20 project ”. The purposes of the thesis are organizing and analyzing the contemporary China’s Asia Pacific strategy and predict the future strategy of PLAAF. Basing on these studies, offer recommendations for future national defense stagey of Taiwan and assist in the study of Taiwan national defense affairs.


王崑義、蔡裕明,「和平崛起:轉型中的中國國際戰略與對台戰略思考」,全球政治評論,第9期(2005年1月),頁43 -84。
沈明室,「中共東南亞戰略的美國因素」,全球政治評論,第18期(2007年4月),頁77 -95。


