  • 學位論文


Elderly ‘s Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Virtual Communities: a Perspective of Social Capital

指導教授 : 張怡秋


隨著世代的推移,醫療技術與設備不斷的進步及人民健康保養觀念逐漸提升,使得國民的平均餘命不斷的延長,但在出生率方面卻逐年的降低。伴隨著高齡人口的增加以及出生率的降低,勞動人口不足的問題近年來開始被重視。如何有效利用樂齡人口的資源重新再投入社會,是政府目前急需解決的事情。 樂齡者一詞起源於新加坡,是對長輩的敬稱,也有「樂而忘齡」的正面意涵。目前社會上的樂齡者擁有其畢生累積下來的工作經驗,這樣的退休人口大多在某些專業領域上仍具有其特定的專長與生產力,但這部分往往為社會所忽略。並且,雖然樂齡者的體能隨著年齡的增長而下降,但有關生命的經驗智慧卻是逐漸累積成長的。這些工作及人生上的經驗與知識都是社會很重要的資本。另外,近年來樂齡者使用電腦網路的比例不斷升高,可以知道未來讓樂齡者使用電腦是一個趨勢。因此本研究以文獻回顧方式探討樂齡者的線上知識分享的可能影響因素並評估知識分享行為是否會影響樂齡者的生命意義感,。經偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS)分析結果顯示社群認同感、社會互動連結與共享願景為樂齡者進行線上知識分享最大的動力來源,並發現使用樂齡知識分享社群對於大部份樂齡者在生命意義感皆有正向影響。最後彙總結果本研究結果可提供相關網路、銀髮商務業者未來開展有關樂齡者的網路服務做參考。另外也符合教育部推廣的樂齡學習以及社會參與方案之目的,可供為推廣方案之參考。


Taiwan today is a rapidly aging society, with elderly people living longer and longer. It is important to give the elderly a platform where they can share their knowledge and life experiences. According to observers, the job and life experiences of the elderly is an important social capital for Taiwan. Finding ways to allow the elderly to use computers and social networks is vital for Taiwan’s future. Therefore, this study will begin with literature review in knowledge sharing and fit elder’s need doing requirement analysis. Integrate elder’s characteristic and knowledge sharing concept to construct a elder knowledge sharing platform. Use the social capital theory and elderly sharing motivation to understand elderly knowledge sharing behavior on Social Network Sites. A quasi experiment and a survey were conducted to evaluate the knowledge sharing motivation and the effect of elder’s meaning in life. Data was collected from Senior Learning Centers in Chiayi which were established by the Ministry of Education to validate the model. The results of this study provide a reference for policy makers in the future to promote the social participation of elderly in Taiwan.


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