  • 學位論文

醫療組織關鍵活動與資訊科技能力連結對組織績效之影響: 資源基礎理論之觀點

The Impact of Alignment between Hospital Organizational Critical Activities and Information Technology Capabilities on Organizational Performance: the View of the Resource-based Theory

指導教授 : 洪為璽


本研究對象以台灣大型醫療院所為主,共分為兩階段進行,第一階段採用Hung (2006)提出的找出組織關鍵活動(Organizational Critical Activities, OCAs)之方法學來尋找醫療院所之組織關鍵活動,組織關鍵活動為「組織最優先考慮、投入大量資源,並得到高階管理者經常性的監控及指導,被組織視為短、中、長期成功不可缺,所必須執行的活動」與15位醫院中、高階主管進行訪談之後,彙整並建立醫療組織關鍵活動列表,其中包含了15個醫療組織關鍵活動共三個領域,之後再找兩位醫院副院長針對OCA列表加以調整並修正。 第二階段進行問卷調查部分總共蒐集151份醫院主管問卷資料,問卷總共分為三個部分 : 醫療組織關鍵活動(OCAs)、資訊科技能力(Information Technology Capabilities)以及組織績效,問卷回收後採用Venkatraman (1989)提出之不同的連結(Alignment)模式觀點進行驗證,包含共變異連結、型態偏差連結、配合連結、調節連結及中介連結等,探討醫療組織關鍵活動與資訊科技能力之間是否存在著連結。根據文獻,如果兩自變數之間有良好的連結,則對於組織績效會有正向且顯著的影響,由研究結果顯示醫療組織關鍵活動與資訊科技能力確實存在連結,並且對組織績效有顯著的影響;本研究在假說驗證之後,進一步利用調節連結模式分析在實施醫療組織關鍵活動時,資訊科技能力該如何與之配適才能夠提升組織績效。面對現今競爭激烈的醫療環境,期望本研究找出的醫療組織關鍵活動(OCAs)列表能夠提供醫院經營者在擬訂策略或實施重要活動時有個依據,在有限的醫療資源下,將資源投資於重要的醫療組織關鍵活動,幫助組織邁向成功。


The main object of this study is focus on large-scaled hospitals in Taiwan, and the research is divided into two phases. First, the research adopts the methodology of exploring the organizational critical activities, which is called the OCAWSEM (Hung, 2006), to search hospital-related organizational critical activities (OCA). Based on the definition of Hung (2006), the organizational critical activity is “ the highest priority activity for the organization to take consideration and the organization is willing to invest lots of resources in it. Organizational critical activity receives regular senior manager’s monitor and direction, and is recognized as the short, medium and long-term success for the organization, so the organization must perform it”. By taking semi-structured interviews with hospital's general managers and executives, the research constructs a hospital organizational critical activities list, which concludes three domains (Internal Management, External Environment, and innovation & service). After the list of OCAs is done, the research interviews two vice presidents of the hospitals to examine the integrity of the OCAs list. Second, the research is based on the questionnaire survey of 151 large-scaled hospitals' executives in Taiwan, and the questionnaire is divided into three parts (Organizational critical activities, Information technology capabilities, and organizational performance). Based on the past literature (Venkatraman, 1989) showing that strategic alignment was the key to success for the organization, the alignment concludes fit as covariation, fit as profile deviation, fit as matching, fit as moderation and fit as mediation; the theory of alignment is taken to examine the results of the questionnaire data to investigate whether the alignment between hospital organizational critical activities and information technology capabilities exists. According to the literature, if the alignment between two variables is well, it will positively influence the organizational performance. Because of the result of the research shows that the alignment between hospital organizational critical activities and information technology capabilities exists, the study further adopt fit as moderation to explore which combination between hospital organizational critical activities and information technology capabilities is the best alignment for the organizational performance. As the environment of the hospital in Taiwan has become extremely competitive, the study expects that the result of the research can assists the operation of hospital, and helps the executives to make a right decision in investing medical resources corresponds to the hospital organizational critical activities.


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